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Feb. 13th, 2013


I have a date.

I'm totally terrified. He's never met me. I sound like Mickey Mouse. I don't even know if he will like me.

I'm excited about going, and I feel guilty too. I love Blaine, I always will, but if he never comes back, I hate to think of life alone. I think he would want me to try to move on, and have some fun. This isn't bad. It's just dinner. It's just a start.


Officially things have gone from cool weird to not cool weird.

And I am suddenly very, very, very glad that no one else from home is here to witness this. Pooch would never, ever, ever let me live this down.


Okay. Okay. So. Okay.

Why did I wake up with boobs?! WHY? WHY?

Feb. 5th, 2013


Protip: losing your sense of smell might not technically put a stop to your plans to bake, but it is wise to be especially attentive to your timer if that's happened.

Unrelatedly, if anybody would like some croissants with slightly blackened bottoms, I have plenty.

Feb. 4th, 2013


Would anyone like approximately sixteen thousand balls of fluff?

Okay, maybe not quite that many. But they're completely filling my entire shower.

And I can't stop sneezing.

Jan. 18th, 2013


Well this is funny. Not funny Ha--Ha--Ha but funny, the other kind of funny. If this is some sort of joke - well jokes on me. And congratulations, because this is one very detailed joke. Whoever set this up has got lots and lots of time on their hands.

Look I read skimmed really the whole letter that came with this thing. That’s great. But I gotta get back to my wife - or else there’s going to be - look it ain’t going to be pretty is what I’m saying.

Jan. 16th, 2013


So. Those of you who come from worlds with vampires, zombies, ghosts, ghouls - you know, undead things of all varieties, I have a question.

See, my dad is the Lord of the Dead. Hades. God of the Underworld, and like a million other titles. Which gives me certain powers too, being his son. Terrakinesis was the first one I discovered, when I was ten. Meaning of course, that I can move the earth, splitting it open if need be. But that's not what I'm talking about here. What I mean is that I have the ability to control certain kinds of Undead creatures. Ghosts and Lares have to obey me (I'm called the Ghost King for a reason). I can raise skeleton armies. Furies have to obey my every whim. I can summon the dead, control them, make them do my bidding.

So I guess my question is...does that work here? Would it work on the undead here? (Are here any undead here?) I know I can shadow travel here, but only within the confines of the Land of Make Believe, whereas at home I can go anywhere on earth. So I'm just wondering.

Jan. 13th, 2013


You know, I'm not sure what it is about being a father that makes you re-evaluate everything that's ever happened in your life. These past few weeks, I've been laying in bed, unable to sleep, thinking back over my life. And it hasn't really been a good one. I've seen - and done - so many terrible things. And I can't help wondering...

How do I explain these things to Aidan?

When he's old enough to ask questions, how do I explain to him that his dad's killed more than a dozen people, for the sake of entertainment? How can I explain Panem accurately to someone who's never had to live there, who doesn't understand what the Capitol can do?

And the other things. The things the Capitol did to me after I won. Obviously I can't tell him those things until he's an adult. But should I tell him at all? Is that something he needs to know? Or will he just think badly of me?

There are so many things in my past that I'm not proud of. But I can't just avoid them. I don't want Aidan to find these things out some other way.

I don't know. It's late. I should probably sleep. I just...I'm terrified. I'm terrified that my son will grow up to hate me when he hears what I've done. And I don't want it to be like that.

Jan. 10th, 2013


I keep trying to go back to my old room. Every single night.

[filtered to Darcy]
Darcy! me for drinks?

Jan. 8th, 2013


It's a new year, time to celebrate with a new house. I assume it works the same way it does where we come from. Has anyone bought one here yet?

Dec. 25th, 2012


Well, Santa was very gracious to me this year. He got me a basket of fruit, knowing that I'm vegan and everything. I love the arrangement its so pretty!

Alright, time to pass out gifts, I really hope that you guys like what you get.

(ooc: Rachel just put the gifts by their doors, hopefully nobody took them...but it would have their names on the package....except for Kurt, she physically came by to see his face as he opened his gifts from her)

Kurt )

Elena )

Damon )

Sam )

Castiel )

Jo )

Dean )

Andy )

Nico )

Dec. 24th, 2012


I hated Christmas when I was a kid.

My mom was dead, my dad was never around, and my brother...well, let's just say he's grown up a lot since those days.

This year, I have a husband to celebrate with. My brother is here, and I have a beautiful sister-in-law. I have an honorary brother, and I'm surrounded by friends.

That's what Christmas is all about.

Dec. 19th, 2012


Dude, whoever made the Snow-shark-men? Awesome.


I don't want anything to do with that mistletoe. It's like walking through an obstacle course with all those ornaments and green strands.

Dec. 16th, 2012


ETA: Filtered against kids who still believe in Santa.

I don't mind snow, not really. What I do mind is being freaked out by a ball ornament hanging from a random light fixture who's suddenly decided that it wants to be like the "Elf on the Shelf" and magically report back to Santa.

I don't even know what the "Elf on the Shelf" is.

Nov. 29th, 2012


So. Anyone need a spork?

No reason.

Hey, Dean! Special message from a chick you don't know. Your cutesy sarcasm makes you quirky, therefore you are cute. Whatcha gonna do 'bout it?

Nov. 28th, 2012


Someone may or may not have bought up most of the bacon the stores carry.


Nov. 23rd, 2012


for anyone who knew him or cares, my kid self went back home again. told his teacher who was surprised, you think people round here'd be used to the turnover by now.

Nov. 19th, 2012


So for anybody that is interested. I'd like to do a thanksgiving feast. Of course ill be making a tofu turkey but there will also be another turkey as well. We can make a list and go from there. I can do a lot if baking as well such as a pumpkin pie and cookies.

I really miss cooking, classes, work, and working on my writing for my own musical has kept me from doing what I love besides theater and that is cooking. So just let me know if you're interested.

Nov. 16th, 2012


Right. So. I've got a family to support, and I'm going to need to find a job sooner rather than later. Um. Is there any need for fishermen here? Or I'll do whatever I need to do.


Are you working?

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