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May. 18th, 2013


I'm sorry, is this... what is this?

This isn't Alliance, is it? It doesn't seem like Alliance. Did Jayne sell me to some crazy kidnapping psychopaths who delight in leaving vague, utterly unhelpful notes for their hostages? It's unlikely that he put me here himself. The note doesn't feature any misspellings or profanities.

It doesn't matter. I don't know where I am and I don't know who's reading this, and I don't much care. I need to get back to my sister. Soon. Now.

Jun. 8th, 2011


I think I can't smell anything, which worries me only the slightest bit but not half as much as anyone losing their ability to feel or see or even hear. Losing a taste isn't too bad and I would be more worried for everyone if I thought this was a real epidemic caused from some sort of disease but from what I can tell things of this odd nature happen every so often to the residents so...

Anyhow, should anyone feel as if the the loss of symptoms is more than that I'm happy to do house calls and be of any assistance.

Jun. 5th, 2011


Filtered away from Frank and Alice Longbottom

Far be it for me to interfere with team rivalry or whatever has caused the abundance of green and silver tapestry, but I have patients in the South wing for whom the tapestries cause triggers to extremely unpleasant memories. I would appreciate them being removed from the third floor of this wing; if this is unacceptable to any of you, then I'm perfectly willing to take it up with the Head of Staff.

Jun. 2nd, 2011


Should draw more, but can't find anything to draw. Nothing appeals. Aesthetically pleasing, but just - don't want to do it.

Don't want to read either. One other option left to do.

May. 27th, 2011


Surgery was successful.

Resting now.

So tired.

May. 26th, 2011


Message for River and Kaylee )
Message for Donald Blake )

May. 19th, 2011


I went lookin' ta find some strawberries, just in case the kitchen still had some, and I was sad ta find they don't.

Anybody wanna go inta town with me, see how much some other foods are?

May. 15th, 2011


This ain't the engine room...




This ain't funny.

May. 12th, 2011


[Filtered away from ickles]

Right, then. So it seems whatever Death Eater is behind this is planning something else. We might have a possible location for him in an area of the woods. People - magical and non-alike - who would be able bodied enough to assist or potentially fight may be of use. Having a small group go after him seems foolish.

I'll be at the entrance to the courtyard to direct people. If anyone wants to help but still has an ickle here, I'll look after them (and they won't be allowed to talk to staff near or out in the courtyard, though he shouldn't be out there.)

[OOC: Characters can comment here and/or just head straight there. A thread will be posted momentarily with volunteered random pairings to search; you don't have to thread if you don't want to, since it's not for the check, but it's more fun to do it! Mulciber will interject with a battle and bring things together toward the end.]



Ai-yah tyen-ah.  Captain, if this "Land of Make Believe" is another one of your schemes plans, I'd have appreciated you letting me in on it first, sir.

At least I still have my gun.

May. 11th, 2011


Hello. My name is Simon Tam, and as I'm given to understand there have been no doctors in residence before now, I'd like to offer my services to the residents of the castle. I'm a fully-certified doctor with a specialty in trauma surgery - obviously I'm hoping we won't need much of that here - and I've completed the requisite classes in pharmacology, triage, general medicine, and frontier survival medicine for certification. I have some medication on hand, and I'll be checking in the town for further resources once I take stock of what's likely to be required.

I'm currently located in the East wing, second floor, apartment 5B, although I intend to speak with the custodians to ascertain whether more appropriate quarters for a medical bay are available. I'm willing to make house calls if coming here is inconvenient or difficult.

May. 9th, 2011


...River? Is this one of your games?