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Feb. 25th, 2014


I'm thinking of taking up an outdoor project soon. A zen garden. The castle staff said I could create one on the grounds. Maybe even outside of the walls if the feel of the area is right.

Except, growing plants or tending to them isn't something I'm very good with so any help would be appreciated.

Feb. 13th, 2014


[Filtered to Obi-Wan]
Did you figure out this holiday on your own this time?

[Filtered to Padmé]
I have tomorrow off. I want to spend it with you and the babies.

[Filtered to Ahsoka]
You can have tomorrow off from training.


Filtered to Ahsoka

We have the day off tomorrow. I think for my older self's sake I should not stay home all day.

So... we should do something. Plus, it's Valentine's Day. It's kind of required.

Jan. 26th, 2014


[This comes in the early morning. She doesn't sound much different but it's only a few years age difference for her.]

Will someone tell me why this bucket of bolts that tried to kill me is following me around? I tried to get him to leave but he won't.

What sort of trouble have you gotten us into this time, Master? How did we even get to this backwater planet? There isn't even any fighting going on. Let me guess, we crashed and now have to wait here for Master Kenobi to come rescue us. Again.

Jan. 20th, 2014


[Anakin is right age again... for the time being.]

I believe I owe everyone an apology for what I was the past few days. I'm sorry I was like that. Is- I think my memory is complete Did I hurt anyone?

[Private to Helena - he doesn't know what you are right now, darling]
Padmé and the triplets are not in our rooms. I think they are in the city. Do you know where they went?

Master, I am so sorry.

I'm not dangerous anymore, Padmé. I'm sorry about that. Are you okay? Where are you

Jan. 18th, 2014


Is this another case of the castle doing one of it's things, or are there simply new people here?

Jan. 17th, 2014


[Voice post]

This isn’t the Temple. Where’s Master Adi?

[The voice sounds like a youngling a young Padawan a child who’s slightly... put out. Frustrated. And just a little bit worried. And to one person in particular... this is going to be all too familiar.]

How'd I get here?

[She can’t sense Master Adi anywhere. And she wasn’t sent on a mission. Not yet. They’d just been together. There are other Force users, though; she can sense them. One’s even familiar, but different enough to worry her. Everyone else is unfamiliar. And in a couple cases... Dark. She doesn’t like this. Doesn’t like this at all. Obviously something has happened. Something bad. And it's up to her to get away. Figure it out. There has to be some way off the planet... Or to get away long enough for Master Adi to find her.]

Dec. 18th, 2013


So is this largely how winter on Earth was like?

Dec. 17th, 2013


So, what can one expect of this place during the holiday season? A singing bauble offering a wish? Because really, the singing bauble is just kriffing creepy.

Dec. 7th, 2013


Looks like I'm getting kicked out of my room. It's a good thing I don't own a lot of things to pack. And now I get to pick which room I want.

Nov. 15th, 2013


The ghosts have gotten violent. Anyone who has one probably knows this by now. If you have a weapon, I suggest you give it to someone you trust.

Private to Anakin

Master, I need you to hold on to my lightsaber for a while.

Nov. 13th, 2013


So it seems I escaped getting a ghost. I have to say, I'm surprised Palpatine didn't decide haunt me again.

Nov. 6th, 2013


To the SW crew + H G Wells and Elizabeth

I'm assuming everyone got the same message. What do you think it means?

Nov. 2nd, 2013


To my fellow Brits here, do any of you celebrate Guy Fawkes Night?

To everyone, on Tuesday evening there will be a bonfire and fireworks by the lake commemorating Guy Fawkes Night for any who wish to attend. You need not be British to celebrate. Yes, there will be snacks. If you wish to attend, please let me know so that I may acquire enough snacks to go around.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


Filtered to the SW crew + Helena (because she is one of his besties)

OOC NOTE: This was backdated to Sunday evening, just because we all know Anakin wouldn't wait days to give the news.

Padmé is back.

And I need assistance with buying more cribs.

Oct. 8th, 2013


Since this seems to be a thing. The Doctor's gone, for anyone that knew him. And his droid dog, K-9 too.

Out of curiosity has anyone ever left anything behind when they disappeared?


It seems as though the castle is at it again. Buffy Summers is gone.


Elena Gilbert is gone. All of her stuff, her cat, etc. As the curse of going home roommates continues.

Sep. 27th, 2013


How long is this going to last?

[The Star Wars peeps and HG, Claudia, Elizabeth, and Genevieve*.]
I don't know what is the right question to ask right now, so I'll go with a standard 'is everyone okay'?

*OOO: I think I got everyone that falls under Anakin's 'friends and family'. It's late, I'm tried, if you think I missed someone ping me please! Also - apparently Anakin makes friends more readily with women than men. Huh.

Sep. 14th, 2013


I was thinking of taking a hike into the forest tomorrow sometime. Anyone want to come?

Oh, if anyone sees a gold and black droid rolling around the castle that's Goldie. No matter what Master Anakin calls him.

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