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May. 25th, 2013


(Private to Clint Barton) )


Those who dare abduct a Daughter of Asgard will taste my sword. Hark! Identify yourself now and mayhap I shall be merciful.

Or if you’re that stupid, let me spell it out for you: you’ve just kidnapped a really angry Asgardian, and don’t think I won’t Hulk Smash my way through this castle until I find a way home to my family. And if you don’t think that’s enough incentive, I have a war to fight and a world to liberate! I’m not going to be sitting around a castle eating grapes while my brothers are out there fighting robots. Just save everyone some trouble and some masonry and send me back, okay?

May. 21st, 2013


First of all, to those who are not aware yet, I have moved to a different room. I am now in N33 should anyone be looking for me.

Second, there is a little matter which came up last night...

Photo under the cut from last night's Warehouse 13 episode, not really spoilery but a cut just in case! )

May. 13th, 2013


For those who knew her, Myka Bering was sent back home.

And there is the other shoe dropping
Of all the times, why now?
Not when Thursday is
I always lose
I can't handle this

May. 8th, 2013


Dear Diary,

Today I got kidnapped to the LAND OF MAKE BELIEVE. Cartoon birds did not fly through the window to help me get dressed, nor did they help me get into any sort of hijinks. In fact, there is a horrifying lack of cartoon animal sidekicks in this joint. I may have to write a strongly worded letter to the folks in charge.

And I'm pretty sure Harry Potter is here. I'm trying to play it cool.

Gossip Rachel

P.S. Apparently Tumblr still exists in other worlds. This is good news for my cat gif obsession.

cut for ridiculous cat gif. viewable to all! )


I think I've been drugged.....or I was really drunk last night......or maybe I was abducted? I'll be honest, I'm trying really hard not to panic at the idea of being abducted again. Either way, I am not where I fell asleep last night and I have absolutely no idea where I am or how I got here.

I assume that there must be others if I was given a phone. Does somebody mind telling me where I am? Or how I got here? Or how I can get home?


Filtered against Loki

Word of warning to those who don't know. Loki has appeared. He's an evil, conniving trickster from Asgard who tried to take over the Earth by leading an invading alien army known as the Chitauri. So...use caution if you speak to him.

If anyone needs me I'm going to be shooting all the things at the range

Apr. 30th, 2013


So, I've got a question for all of you out there who have been here for a while.

Jobs. Anyone know any places that might be hiring a good Private Investigator? Or maybe a bartender? Figure I ought to work while I'm here. It's harder to figure this all out than I realized. It's better than sitting around, plus a necessity.

Apr. 28th, 2013


I keep expecting to wake up from whatever dream this is, but it never seems to happen. Anyone have any recommendations for something to do in the middle of the night?

I wish I could sleep. Night is the worst. All I can do is lay in bed and think about Prim. What will happen to her. How I couldn't save her.

It's not fair. Everything I did. Everything I went through was to protect her. I can't- Everyone tells me that I'm a survivor. Gale said I would do whatever would help me to survive, but what's the point of surviving if everyone that matters is gone? I'm just so tired of everything. I used to know how to be happy, and now it just hurts all the time. I don't know who brought me here or why, but if you can see this, please please send me Prim. You can even send me back if you have to. I'll endure anything at home if Prim can just be safe here.

Apr. 25th, 2013


My name is Katniss Everdeen. I arrived here last night. Johanna explained a little.

I don't know what else you want me to sa

Apr. 18th, 2013



Keep it together, Banner

I'm Dr. Bruce Banner. I would appreciate some answers. The ominous note was not entirely helpful, and while I have excellent calming breathing techniques, I can't keep it going forever.

Apr. 15th, 2013


Seems a lot of people have been turned into various things. Anyone other than me still fully themselves?


I heard of the strange things this place can do but, a centaur? Why would this place change me into a centaur?


Are you kidding me?

I just woke up with goat legs.

Apr. 6th, 2013


I was debating about doing this.
But maybe it'll be easier if I just

It seems I was here before. I'm sorry to say I don't remember. If I don't answer you when we pass in the hall, I promise I'm not angry or ignoring you. I just can't remember.

So, I thought maybe I could just re-introduce myself to everyone. If we were friends before, I'd love to try again. If you want to, of course.

Even if I didn't know you from before, don't hesitate to contact me.

Also, is there someone named Spock here?

Clint )

Apr. 4th, 2013


Yes! Score! Got the job at the newspaper. Peter Parker, photographer extraordinaire, is back in action.

To celebrate, gotta cash in on a raincheck for a story in a half shell. Yeah - yeah I'm calling you out.

Mar. 27th, 2013


Well, this is...confusing.

Anyone care to explain?


I have an announcement to make that may not come as a surprise to a few of you.

Myka and I are engaged to be married.

Mar. 23rd, 2013



Some days are better than others. The second time around isn't getting any easier. The process seems harder for some reason. Like it's getting dragged out. Punishing me for taking the steps back.

Is there an anti-drug for this? Anyone know if I can get some morphine for this?

Those Reavers.
I shouldn't have gotten so

Damn it!

I need a distraction. Someone give me a distraction. Distract me goddammit!

Mar. 21st, 2013


I know there's been some new arrivals lately. And for anyone else who's wanting a job, Heroes for Hire is looking for a few good men and women.

Settling in okay there?

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