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Jun. 10th, 2013


Though it will probably be in the papers probably by tomorrow and I'm probably not officially supposed to say anything yet, I thought a few of you might like to know that the "official" cause of the explosions has been determined to be the gas lines failing, which was caused by the power loss throughout the city. There are still people investigating why the power failed, but I can almost guarantee that they'll find it to be an unfortunate random accident.

Anybody who has come forward and said that they saw some green giant stomping around the city has pretty much been given a pat on the back and told that they were under mental duress and should probably get some rest.

Typical government stuff.

Good news is that we're done with all the Rescue & Recovery stuff on our end, so anybody who wants to volunteer for cleanup and hasn't been able to yet can now. Just call [Phone #] if you're interested and haven't been able to get through.

But if you're not part of the volunteer group, all those businesses are still shut down for the time being, so just avoid that area.

As for the power -- nobody really knows when it will be back. Hopefully soon. If I hear anything, I'll let you know, but at this rate, we'll probably know it's back when the lights suddenly come back on. But until then, try not to go anywhere at night for your own safety. People tend to lose their mind a little in the dark.

And if you see anything going down, call it in. We're doing the best we can, but we're all a little tired, a little stressed, a little pissed off, and can use all the help we can get.

Private to Ickle Faith )

Private to Nyota )

Private to Bo )

Jun. 9th, 2013


If this is how people act when the electricity goes out, I'd hate to see what'll happen when evil robots try to take over the world.


No electricity I'm used to. Some lunatic messing up the city? Also used to. Maybe there should be some protocols in place if this happens frequently around here, and this is me assuming it does.

Filtered to Elizabeth:

Where are you? The city is a damn mess. I haven't heard from you and it's starting to worry me

Jun. 8th, 2013


Private to Bruce Banner )

Private to Tony Stark )

My mini freezer stayed frozen overnight because I didn't open it, but it's not going to last very long. A freezer full of Ben & Jerry's isn't an essential past my mental health, so it's unplugged and likely to turn into a mess if not eaten.

Impromptu ice cream party, bring your own bowls and spoons to E26. I have "Americone Dream," "Cannoli," "Coffee, Coffee, BuzzBuzzBuzz!," and "S'mores."

May. 21st, 2013


Cut for Grimm Spoilers! Only filtered against ickles. )

May. 17th, 2013


Filtered against H.G. Wells and Ickle Helena Wells

Well. The television show I'm from has been "renewed for one final season" with six-episodes and then no more. Which basically means cancelled.

Anyone have anything I can break that they wouldn't mind being broken? What happens when you get cancelled i

(Oh, and please avoid telling H.G. or her mini self right now, anyone, please and thank you.)

May. 15th, 2013


Don't really know the point of this thing. Since i was given it i'll use it.

I'm huck.

Apr. 30th, 2013


So, I've got a question for all of you out there who have been here for a while.

Jobs. Anyone know any places that might be hiring a good Private Investigator? Or maybe a bartender? Figure I ought to work while I'm here. It's harder to figure this all out than I realized. It's better than sitting around, plus a necessity.

Apr. 23rd, 2013


Well, that was possibly the shortest length of time I've ever been put through the mill. What's it been, like, a week? Is this place goin' soft on me? Anyone else changed back yet?

Why do I get the feeling this place isn't done with me yet? Like...I'm getting a break before something bigger happens? Or smaller

Buffy )

Apr. 21st, 2013


This doesn't look like District Thirteen. They said we were going to Thirteen, that they were rescuing us and they'd take me to... This room is too Capitol. The rescue didn't work, did it? It didn't work and we've been moved so the rebels won't find us. I don't understand.

...At least I can't hear the screaming from here unless it's mine.

Apr. 20th, 2013


Where the hell am I? And I don't want this Land of Make Believe crap.

Who are you? What are you? How did you get me here? I'm getting tired of this whole lets throw Bo into strange new places and situations without warning thing.