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Apr. 5th, 2013


Ahhh, science. We've come a long way.

You know, you'd think this one would be easy to disprove. Did everyone just think they were lucky to have 'survived'? Thoughts?

Behind the cut because of big images )

Apr. 2nd, 2013


Isn't much to complain about in this place so far. Save for the fact I don't know how my boy and girl are doing. Or the rest of my friends for that matter. Guess I'll just have to get used to it.

Anyone here a doctor or know about certain...illnesses/diseases and how they work in this land?

Apr. 1st, 2013


Ugh, what a busy day it has been today. Work was definitely really busy today at the office, I think I am all filed out. Now I'm sitting here with Alex while he plays with his toys and crawling all around. I could really use a foot rub or a massage right now. I think its just going to be a relaxing night, when I get my son down I'm going to have a nice relaxing bubble bath with a glass of wine and soft music. Now that sounds about perfect!


Right. So.

Looks like this place isn't going to send me home any time soon.

Which is awesome. Really.

Mar. 8th, 2013


Guys, there's another store of food in the kitchen. Damon, Elena, and I went out for some and then Buffy went again after we came back.

You're welcome.

Don't be greedy little bitches. This shit gotta last ya.

Leia mentioned some dude named Blaine (?) Buster (?) or somethin' offered to sort and ration it with his husband? If that's you, step on up.

Also, Doctor Angst, I grabbed some extra first aid kits and bandages for you. I'll bring it up to you in a minute here.

Stay alive, folks.


Mar. 4th, 2013


Hey. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm an RN. So if these evil bastards hurt people...I can help.


I don't know what these things are but I'm very very scared. I'm stuck at the University, people screaming and running all over the place. I've hidden myself in a closet that I found. I'm hoping that someone can come and get me or something. I've just witnessed some of my classmates die horribly. If anyone else is stuck in the University, I say that we somehow get together and stick together as a group. I don't want to be alone.

Mar. 3rd, 2013


Ugh...yeah. That whole getting smashed to push out the dark prophetic dreams? Not a good idea.

Alright, people. We've cried wolf. Now listen up!

I want to start organizing everyone into groups based on skills. So comment below if:

- If you have combat/hand-to-hand/etc fighting skills
- If you have magic skills
- If you have weaponry skills
- If you have tech skills
- Or other abilities/skills you think will be helpful in protecting the castle from the Reavers

If you have any other skills I did not mention, speak up. I'm going to talk to B about breaking people up into groups. Some of the more fighting-like will be up on the front lines, rotating on patrol close to the castle. I don't give a shit about the locals. Sorry if that makes me sound heartless. The rest we'll need to work out to create more defenses.

Anyone sixteen and younger I'm going to require to stay in the castle. No bitching, no questions. Just fucking do it, kids.

If you have any other ideas of how to stop these things from getting into the castle, let me know.

If you live outside of the castle, raise your hand. I'm going to set something up on the castle grounds to live in. You're welcome to join me there.

Keep your eyes open, folks! If you see something, let us know. They could come any day now.



Damn this place.


You know, getting close to people, caring about them? It sucks. I'm done.

Feb. 17th, 2013


How did I miss this holiday celebrating love? I love love! Of course, I don't have anyone here to love... but that's beside the point. A holiday celebrating love is a holiday I needed to know about.

And this thing called coffee is strange. I have heard of it before, though I have never had it.

Why do I feel jittery?

Feb. 14th, 2013


Does Earth really have a holiday celebrating love?

[Helena Jr.]
We don't have school today. Will they let you out to do anything?

Feb. 13th, 2013


So. I've been here about two weeks now, and this place is insane. Thanks for turning me seventeen, people. Because that was just what I wanted to relive. Just rub it in that I used to be an idealistic little thing with all the hope in the world and now I'm bitter and cynical and - just...thanks for that.

Still haven't figured out a way to get home yet, either. Still working on that. My world sucks? But at least it makes sense.

Feb. 4th, 2013


Mom? Dad? Nathan?

Um... name's Peter Petrelli, and I don't know what's going on here.

I was studying in the library and then I was I dead?



where am i?

this isn't narnia. but this is a castle?


Salazar's soggy sack They're back.

Does anyone still remember the banishment charm and ward we used last time?

Oh, right, and it's 2013 again. Brilliant.

I'm going to assume you're still here and would love a message from your old friend whether you're the same age as me or not.

They're in my ties. I'm trying to count to ten but they're in my ties.

Jan. 30th, 2013


Okay, who brought me here? Because I really don't have time for this little joke.