March 2014


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Jun. 17th, 2012


I was told that this was how people here communicate with one another.

I arrived today. My name is Agent Natasha Romanoff. Hello.


Could someone please tell usme how it is I went from being in one room to a completely different room? This feels like a Gou'ald trick

May. 24th, 2012


Destination: Tortuga

i don't like storms.

this isn't the same as the one in wertham, but i still don't like it. i got hit in the head by something that was moving too fast for me to see it and i was bleeding for a while. it's stopped now, though.

is everyone okay? please be okay.

i miss alisha. i want to go back to her.

May. 20th, 2012


Destination: Tortuga

Some things:

I refuse to eat anything that tastes like the inside of a fireplace, which is everything in this fucking place. And also ricecakes. I am starving. Mind you, I don't appear to have a digestive system left, so that kind of negates the need to eat.

I want a steak.

Also, if this is Pirate Central, I am going on a treasure hunt.

That bloody dog is still there.

Simon? Got your stuff back. With interest.

May. 16th, 2012


Destination: Tortuga

Have we rounded up everyone, then? Do we need a roll-call in case people get eaten by pirates or kidnapped (again) by sharks or something?

May. 14th, 2012


i never knew hangovers could last this long.

i can't remember anything about last night.

must've been a brilliant birthday. i feel like i'm dying.

May. 12th, 2012


this is going to be the best birthday ever. maybe not by other people's standards, but i can't remember ever looking forward to one before.

[Filtered to Alisha] )


Strange how much you can miss people that you only really knew a little while. I still think about Steve, and now Penny, too. Anyone else feel that way, or am I just going soft?

Filtered to Simon )

May. 6th, 2012


it's my birthday next sunday.

i forgot about it last year until after the day, but i hadn't been here that long and i didn't know anyone, not really.

i wondered if anyone would want to go for a drink with me, or maybe something to eat.


I can't be here.

I am needed elsewhere, I must be sent back.

May. 5th, 2012


figures. death ain't the only thing to come in threes.

May. 1st, 2012


i fergot!

Eames asskd me to say tihs yesday wen he hada hedake.

thers a fottgraf fotogar picure comptishun in his wirk if peepl wnt too entr

he has thenrty froms adn seys to tell Simon heis entrying

Apr. 28th, 2012


i Dont like this beed


I. and don't. and beer.



I have...

I mean - Do people know if... if the kitchens would want any fish? Maybe? For cooking?

Apr. 21st, 2012


i've given up my day job.

that's to say i won't be pushing brooms and shovelling shit anymore. i've decided to make my photography/film business my full time job. stuff's going well and this way i can spend more time with alisha people and things i like.

Mar. 26th, 2012


Operation: Death Plague is a winner. Jenna took pity on me and made sure I had a constant supply of hot drinks and she went out at lunchtime and bought me cough sweets.

I did get stuck on tills all bloody day, though. Which is a bit arse.

Mar. 9th, 2012


When the hell did we book to come to Disneyland?

Not only that, but how the hell did we get here? And why, when we've got all the joys of Amsterdam as a more than viable alternative.

Not only that, but where the hell is everyone else and... how the fuck do they get those model dragons to fly like that?

Pretty fucking impressive.

Meet all-new Simon. Basically he was never bullied at school so he never developed his crushing social awkwardness or his feelings of utter insignificance. Or his s/f geekery, sadly, since he actually had too much of a life to do that. Last he remembers he was in a pub with his mates, celebrating one of their birthdays.


Alright. My shirt has been misplaced or someone stole it. Until I find it or get a replacement you all will just have to deal with me topless.


[Filtered to Sevvie]
Sevvie - let's get naked.

Mar. 4th, 2012



Mar. 3rd, 2012


Mein Gott! I can not truly be here. Tell me, is it really only March? How long has it been since the attack?!

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