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Aug. 17th, 2013


I suppose I've been here long enough, that it is time to look for a job. I'm not sure my skill set as a former handmaiden and bodyguard/decoy would come in useful here. Still consider that my resume, if required.

Aug. 16th, 2013


Quidditch anyone?

Think we can get a Quidditch game going? you know of a way that maybe non-magical people can fly? I think it'd be brilliant to get a few matches set up, or even a tournament if we could!

Anyone interested in Quidditch?

Aug. 4th, 2013


Humans Some people on Youtube have too much time on their hands...

[Filtered to Jeremy, Oliver, Elena, Rach, and Hermione]
What the heck?! I can't stop laughing...Sebastian would have a fit!

...sorry, it's kind of awkward just coming out and saying "hi, I'm the Little Mermaid," (even if I have a feeling you might've already figured it out) so... Oh, also, Nate sent the clothes he had for Rachel's body to the washer but he said I can have them when they get back, so as soon as I get those, I'll get yours cleaned and then you can have them back, okay? I really appreciate it, again.

Jul. 28th, 2013


I believe I now understand how to use this device properly. It is strange to find myself an immigrant again, though this immigration went without my consent. At least war is not raging this time.

Jul. 22nd, 2013


Who has my body? Why am I being forced to ask thi

It's tall, and it has a robotic prosthetic arm. It's difficult to miss.

[Helena Sr.]
We have a situation. I believe I have your body. This is not my fault.

Have you been affected? I'm cut off from the Force at the moment so I can't tell if you're one of the lucky ones this time.

Jul. 21st, 2013


I understand that this is what people use for communication in this world. You’ll have to forgive me I have never used something like this before, and I would have posted sooner but I'm still getting used to this place. I have been told the basics of this place, that there have been many others brought here against their will, like me – and that there is no way of going home.

I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Sabé Sanruna, and I come from the same world as Padmé.

I don't really know what else to say, so consider this my hello.