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Aug. 23rd, 2013


Christmas in August? Not too bad at all.

The Map turned up in my room today. Doesn't exactly work here, but nice to have all the same.

How's living with your brother and his Mini Me?

Aug. 21st, 2013


Right, I still don't believe the lot of this, but I am willing to suspend my disbelief if some kind soul can tell me where I can get a bottle of Ogden's. That would be a far better "welcome" gift than this impossibly complicated piece of rubbish Muggle technology.

Jul. 22nd, 2013


Private to Wade )

Private to Remus )

Jul. 17th, 2013


Bloody Excel is going to be the death of me. Who can give a crash course in computers? There are some chocolate biscuits in it for you.

This potion tastes absolutely vile. But I'll gladly drink the entire cauldren-full if it works out as it is supposed to next week.

Have you spoken with him?

Jul. 7th, 2013


The existence of this contraption called a 'smartphone' is proof that this place is no creation of my mind. Hardly makes this less distressing difficult to wrap ones mind around.


So I guess I'm a shop girl, now. I'll need to remember I can't jinx rude customers.

Remus, I need help coming to terms with my new identity.

Jun. 26th, 2013


Suppose I'll be needing to find a job. And here I am without my CV.

filtered to ruby & peter )

Jun. 24th, 2013


Filtered away from children

[OOC: Backdated to Friday]

Okay, let's say I have a friend who might be affected by the coming full moon this weekend. And my friend needs a safe place to go that's separate from anyone else so that everyone stays safe.

Is there a place here where my friend can go?

Please, someone say there's a place for him


Okay, I'm asking. I'm sorry if this message isn't great, if you want me to change anything about it, tell me. Okay?

Jun. 23rd, 2013


[ooc; backdated to friday because I fail.]

I need your help. Full's tomorrow, and I don't know enough about this place to know where I'd be safe from hurting anyone. And without Prongs and Padfoot here to keep me in line- well, I just don't want to take any chances, is all.

Jun. 20th, 2013


You know, I'd assume this was a prank from my mates. If I thought they were capable of pulling something like this off without me.

Not a joke, I take it?

Jul. 17th, 2012


okay this can stop now

its not fun

Jul. 16th, 2012


Anyone, especially lightsaber weilding folk, up for a spar?


What kind of things are there to do around here? That's okay to ask, right?

Filtered to Padawawn Obi-Wan Kenobi

May I ask a question, sir?

Jul. 15th, 2012


James and Sirius, this isn't funny anymore! I don't know what you two have done, but it's not funny! SEND ME BACK RIGHT NOW! Yes, it's a clever prank and yes, I've finally figured out how to work this thing you left here for me to talk to you guys with. Who are all those other people showing up on it?

Anyways, I'm sick of it and I've got classwork to do! Why didn't you test it out on someone else besides me? You normally use Peter, or go and pick on Snape.

[Added in about 20 minutes later]
Guys, honestly... I've got a lot of potions work to do and you know I'm rubbish at it. Where did you two send me? There's people in the halls I've never seen before and I KNOW I'm not at Hogwarts. FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY OR I'M TELLING PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL!

[Added an hour later]

[Added 2 hours later]
If you found out about my secret, I'm sorry! I can explain everything. Just bring me back. Please???


I hope it's okay to write on this thing, and I'm pretty sure this is a stupid question... but does anyone have any idea where I am? I'm kind of really not where I'm supposed to be.

Is this the Capitol?

Jul. 6th, 2012


Another sleepless night

Even in a world that isn't Earth there's never anything good on at 0300.

...that's 3am to the civilians.

Jul. 3rd, 2012


[Filtered to Adults]


Just a little survey sort of thingy. For the sake of discussion, let's say there's someone you went to school with who you've never gotten along with because he's a greasy git obsessed with the dark arts. And, hypothetically, that person turns out to be someone who is...yeah, just about as dirty rotten evil as it is possible to be. In fact, he's a member of's say "organization" that cold-bloodedly murdered your best mate and his wife, and tried to murder their infant son. Oh. And, just for fun, let's add in that this organization framed you for their betrayal and the murder of a bunch of innocent people, and sent you to a horrible prison full of soul-sucking demons.

Okay. So the question is, after the above has happened, would it be reasonable to expect you to be bright and chummy with this schoolmate? Or would a little bit of vitriol and righteous hatred indignation be appropriate?

Just wondering, you know, is all.

Jul. 2nd, 2012


Filtered to anyone who knows magic, HP or otherwise )


Forecast says it'll rain on Tuesday night. Typical, innit? Guess I'll have to wear a jacket.

Anyone know where I can get a raw chook?

Filtered private to Mitchell )

Jul. 1st, 2012


Once I started reading, I really couldn't stop, even though some of the subject matter was a little disturbing and terribly depressing.

Does anyone have a favourite book? I think I need a palette cleanser for my mind.

Filtered private to Severus Snape )

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