March 2014


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Apr. 4th, 2013


Seri I ca Is E Is A Last I remember, it was September here and I was living in an apartment. It's kind of fuzzy right now. I hate this pl Is there anyone here that still knows me?

And does anyone have any asprin?

Apr. 3rd, 2013


Is there a shooting range here? I'd like to keep my skills sharp, even if there's no danger at the moment.


Apr. 2nd, 2013


What the heck? I've never heard of this place before. My PHS won't function, can anyone on this thing tell me how to get back to Edge? Please tell me I'm not on another planet. That would be too crazy!

Cloud? Barrett? Are you guys able to see this? It's Tifa, I could use a lift!

Apr. 1st, 2013


I....I...I can't believe that he's gone. Kurt was my best friend and brother here. We went through everything together. I'm glad that Finn is here and everything but I miss Kurt and Blaine being here. If I lose Finn again, I'm not going to be very happy about it. I think I just need to go out and have some fun tonight or something. Just something to where I'm not sitting around and thinking.


Right. So.

Looks like this place isn't going to send me home any time soon.

Which is awesome. Really.

Mar. 27th, 2013


I have an announcement to make that may not come as a surprise to a few of you.

Myka and I are engaged to be married.

Mar. 25th, 2013


I'm sorry I've been so distant lately. I think it's time to get back out and be social. I've been going to work, picking up an extra shift even as they are getting ready for a huge spring sale. The spring lines are pretty good. Color is still in, which I love. There is nothing more boring than a bunch of browns, greys and blacks. They have their place, but they should be mixed in with something to dress them up. We have to dress the mannequins on the floor per the designer, but in the back, several of us like to dress them up to make them pop. It's fun.

Mar. 26th, 2013


Look how time flies. I've been here exactly one year today.

If I have a celebratory party this coming Sunday, do you think I could also include celebrating I've recently risen from the grave - or would that be sacrilege?

Mar. 11th, 2013


I didn't die this time. I've decided this means our captors have grown tired of my reactions to such things. Thoughts?

Mar. 10th, 2013



Ok, so I am constantly having to remind myself that this isn't a dream. Abby insists that this is real. But if this was a dream she would probably insist that this is a dream so I need someone to tell me this isn't a dream. I wish it were.

It is disorienting enough to wake up in a strange castle in The Land of Make Believe but now I also have to somehow accept that I am dead in my world and have been for quite some time. Even if I get to go there a place for me to back to... I don't know. For now I am just going to hope and pray that I stay alive here. Maybe I should just accept that this is my home now and get the lay of the land?

With that said-Can anyone point me in the direction of someone in charge? Local law enforcement? Is there a president or a governor...something?


Everything is so quiet now. I can't feel the death anymore. I look outside and there isn't the constant bloodshed and destruction.

It's a little strange how fast these things come and how easily they can be taken away.

Han )

Anakin )



I am not sure what to say.

Was this whole thing a dream? I am not exactly sure how this happened.

I think I need some rum. Anyone want to join me?

Mar. 4th, 2013


Sent just after he feels the Reavers arrive

[Voice posts to Padmé, Ani Jr., Helena Sr., Myka, Claudia, Leia, Han, and Buffy]
Tell me where you are. Now!

OOC: Might get into discussions of Reavers and their activities in the comments.

Feb. 10th, 2013


Good news and more good news! Those ugly little furry things are gone now and I can smell again! Life is good at the moment and those flowers smell so lovely that I got from my date. Now to get some much needed rest I have classes and work tomorrow.

Feb. 8th, 2013


Between the new ages and the Tribbles infestation, The Land of Make Believe is proving to be nothing like I've ever experienced. It's one thing to hear about strange occurrences, it's another to live through them.

Is it always this way? Does it only affect those of us in the castle or does it reach those living in the nearby city?

And more importantly, besides shoving all of the Tribbles out into the hallway, is there a way to get rid of them completely?

Feb. 6th, 2013


It seems like there are lots of shenanigans going on around here lately!

It also seems like this occasion calls for rum.

Who is with me?

Also, I may need a different job. Any suggestions?


You know, its kind of fun here. Weird, but fun.

Does anyone want to come into the city and look at the shops and stuff?


Filtered to: Helena Sr., Myka, Claudia, Padmé, Anakin Sr., Leia, Han, Ahsoka, and James Rogers )

Jan. 23rd, 2013


I wonder how long a month is in real time? Y'know, being that this is a dream and all. Hope I don't wake up to a walker chomping on my leg. That would suck. (Yeah, I still say this is a dream.) I gotta be crazy to wanna wake up to that kind of world.

So, uh. I'm tired of the smell of pizza. I forgot how much it sticks to your clothes. About as bad as cigarettes and kimchi. Reminds me, gotta go check on mine... anyone want to try kimchi? I'm rambling. I'm bored. Either I need to buy some new games or I need another hobby...

Jan. 18th, 2013


Well this is funny. Not funny Ha--Ha--Ha but funny, the other kind of funny. If this is some sort of joke - well jokes on me. And congratulations, because this is one very detailed joke. Whoever set this up has got lots and lots of time on their hands.

Look I read skimmed really the whole letter that came with this thing. That’s great. But I gotta get back to my wife - or else there’s going to be - look it ain’t going to be pretty is what I’m saying.

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