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Dec. 3rd, 2012


So glad I didn't get whammied with what's going on.

Nov. 29th, 2012


This is not funny anymore.

I'd give anything to set something on fire, rather than cover it in aluminium foil.

Nov. 28th, 2012


I'm really not amused at the sudden lack of magic. I'm assuming it isn't just me.

Nov. 23rd, 2012

[info]sciencenerd, hello?

I'm Gwen Stacy. Not really sure what this whole "network" thing is for. I mean I get the logistics of it and all but, a network for kidnapped folks? It's just weird.

Well, Darcy, my new roommate apparently, explained the gist of things. Basically the different dimensions and the land. And dragons...I still can't believe there are dragons. Then again, I guess if the dimension stuff is real then why not dragons? Not that I haven't heard before of some people's theories about dimensions. I've heard jokes scientists would make in the lab. For all I know there's some version of me out slaying stuff somewhere.

So, anyway...I just thought I should say hi and introduce myself. It's a little weird being the new kid around here. Not really sure what I'm supposed to do now that I'm here.

Nov. 19th, 2012


So, I can't decide.

I think we're pretty much going to go with a comic/superhero theme in the kid's room because OMG IT'S ALL SO CUTE but I can't decide between DC or Marvel. Or a mix of both, though I'm not sure how well that'd work out.

Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions?


So for anybody that is interested. I'd like to do a thanksgiving feast. Of course ill be making a tofu turkey but there will also be another turkey as well. We can make a list and go from there. I can do a lot if baking as well such as a pumpkin pie and cookies.

I really miss cooking, classes, work, and working on my writing for my own musical has kept me from doing what I love besides theater and that is cooking. So just let me know if you're interested.


I've never been very domestic, but occasionally, I do miss baking cookies and pies with my mom.

Nov. 18th, 2012


Eames is heckling the tv again.

Nov. 17th, 2012


First day of work! No longer a scruffy layabout! I've never worked in a shop before. Is it wrong that I'm a bit excited?

Nov. 14th, 2012


Who wants to play tourguide? I've seen a lot of the city but it seems like there's always more and more I'm missing.

You can wear a tourguide outfit, but I won't provide it.


Do babies... I mean, I didnt realise they needed this much... stuff... he'll have more things than i do.

Nov. 11th, 2012


Can I just say that when I watched my show, I was a little bit happier.

Cut for GLEE Spoilers )

Nov. 10th, 2012



...the Land of Make Believe...


To anyone that knows her, it looks like Minerva Paradizo has been sent home. Her texts bounced back as unknown number and her room is empty.

Nov. 2nd, 2012


So, now I can add slutty nun to the list of things I've been turned into. Step above rat, one notch below scaredy cat princess. Mostly 'cause at least the princess kept her dignity. In a substantially different way. Shoulda rethought it, but it looked so cute. You know. In a skanky sort of way. I'm single, I can do that. Oh well, what's done is done and blah, blah, bliddy blah. Now we can all move on and ostrich-it until the next bad thing gets tossed our way. I really need to find what's causing all this. I can handle costume transformations, it's the bad luck that was getting on my nerves... I mean it was way too gross outside for half of the wardrobe malfunctions I had to deal with.

Oct. 26th, 2012


You know, after I accidentally lit my lab report write-up on fire with my bunsen burner, causing me to stay extra just to write it all out, again, I really should have just given up on today.

Lesson so learned, Life.

Who else is feeling like this lately? )


So, anyone else feel compelled to wear a witches hat? Not that it happened to me, of course, just putting it out there. For general discussion.

Oct. 24th, 2012


Have I gone mental, or are the decorations a bit... shouty? I nearly fell off my board.

Actually, I definitely fell off my board. I think I bruised my coccyx.

Oct. 23rd, 2012


I thought Halloween would be fun in a place with magic

Anyone else having bad luck???

Or been scared by decorations?? Stupid fake ghost... scared the crap out of me.

Filtered to Rachel )

Filtered to Johnny )

Oct. 21st, 2012


First, I have no idea what I should dress up as for this Halloween thing. We never really got to have it when I was growing up.

Second, everyone meet Sarge, my new dog.
Sarge )

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