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Jan. 11th, 2012


I need 'elp wiv me wee me.

Dec. 30th, 2011


So. Spike goes nuts over this Claudia, Rothschild. Hm

So, this is a normal day then?

Dec. 27th, 2011


Why did I kiss one of fake Angel's friends? That's what I would like to know. Mistletoe, I know.

Still. Wherever I bloody well go, I keep falling into the same traps. And it's bloody well not funny anymore

And don't turn this bloke into anything supernatural either or i will

Bugger all this. I'm glad I don't live at the castle. And I'm not sharing my place either.

Dec. 23rd, 2011


I didn't miss anything important, did I?

Dec. 10th, 2011


Okay there are talking ornaments, which is always a little weird, even for someone like me, but then there is this.. thing happening, where one minute you're fine and the next you're fighting the urge to make out with the first person you see and this is the SECOND TIME this has happened to me now in the past couple of days and the second person was one of the kitchen staff and she had to be over sixty!

Is anyone else having this problem???!


Filtered to adults

I was thinking on having Ariadne and Arthur's funeral service on Monday evening. Neither of them were particularly religious so it won't be a church service, more of a memorial service. Basically, if anyone wants to say a few words about either Arthur or Ariadne, please let me know.

Arthur was US military. As far as I'm concerned, he died whilst on a mission. I'm not asking for someone to drag out a bugle and play Taps, but if anyone who is planning on attending is military as well (I don't really care which military, to be honest) I would appreciate it if we could manage a 21-gun salute for him.


We've had a rough few weeks. If anyone needs someone to talk to about any of this, or anything really, I'm a psychologist and my office is [HERE].

Private to Booth )

Dec. 5th, 2011


It appears the power is off for who knows how long. For the time being we'll have to make do cooking over a fire in the fireplaces.

There's a rather large fireplace in the dining hall we can use. I grew up on camping trips with my parents so I'm pretty good at cooking that way. Is there anyone else who can help?

ETA: We also need help moving the perishable foods down to the dungeons. It might be colder than comfortable but it's not cold enough to safely keep food.

I know you know how to cook over a campfire. You're helping.

I saw that you said you knew how to cook, would you be willing to help?

Nov. 9th, 2011


...Both of my brothers are gone now.