March 2014


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Mar. 7th, 2014


So Sunday's my birthday, and I'll be going for dinner and a couple drinks at [insert one of the bar/pub type places in the city] at 7 pm. So anyone who wants to join me is more than welcome! No need for presents or anything like that. Just something casual and relaxed and, hopefully, fun!

Mar. 4th, 2014


You know, I loved that I could easily just burst into song all day today. Except for when I started singing in the middle of class.......that wasn't the best idea. I totally got stared at by everyone in class and the professor. But who cares, I have a great voice and it should be shared with the world.

Feb. 20th, 2014


Blue's been preening since Valentine's Day. I think all of the hugs from grateful recipients went to his head.

Feb. 15th, 2014


I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day.....and didn't eat too much chocolate! Mine was spent in rehearsal for the musical and studying for my classes. It's getting a tad overwhelming, but I know that I can do this!

Jan. 30th, 2014


Well, uhhhh that was certainly interesting!

Jan. 25th, 2014


I want to go exploring, I'm missing my dance lessons. Do you think there is any place where I can take a lesson or two?

Jan. 17th, 2014


I'm scared. I woke up all by myself and walked out of my room and couldn't find my dads. Does anyone know where they are?

Dec. 31st, 2013


Set your alarm clocks! The trip to view the dawn leaves two hours before sunrise! Do not miss it! It's a new year! You should welcome it with proper reverence and delicious food!

Dec. 29th, 2013


Who's ready to ring in the New Year? I know that I am! Thinking about having a party, lots of music, food, dancing, and a lot of decorations. Anybody interested?

Dec. 24th, 2013


So I’m not entirely sure I like being manhandled by a bunch of strangers while being under some sort of hypnotic spell that makes me compliant. No, scratch that – I’m damn bloody sure I don’t like it. Is that anyway to treat someone who just arrived in another world? It’s just rude, that’s what it is. I’d say as if I need a shower now but I feel as if I’d been sick they’d have put me into some sort of decontamination chamber if it was necessary. Still, it might help.

Right, so, they filled me in on what was going on around here. Another planet, which by the way has a rubbish name with an equally ridiculous-sounding land – country? I feel as though I’ve stepped into a storybook. They also said we can’t pop home until this place lets us. Guess that means I should introduce myself to my fellow misplaced travellers.

Hullo, my name is Al Potter. Looks like I’m your newest arrival here.

Dec. 18th, 2013


I love this time of year!

Dec. 9th, 2013


Guess it's back to sleeping in my office.

Any army surplus stores around here?

Dec. 7th, 2013


If anyone that needs a roommate due to the researchers and are being kicked out of their room, I have a room available. Just let me know.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


I have some great news to share with everyone. I GOT THE PART in that musical that I auditioned for. I start rehearsals next week and I really hope that some of you guys will be able to come to the show. It will be premiering in the theater downtown in February. I will let you guys know exact dates when its time. I guess Finn's ghost was right, I was neglecting what I love the most and that was theater. I'm still taking classes and will have a busy schedule, but I'm really grateful for this opportunity.

Also, I want to say that I'm very thankful to have friends here. I know that I have lost some and gained some new friends. Thanksgiving was a blast! I really enjoyed myself.

Nov. 22nd, 2013


I took H.G's advice about finding out what I needed to confront. I wasn't understanding what my ghost was saying to me. I had never seen Finn so mad before, but with him kicking chairs and everything. I had to think about what I needed to confront. I haven't auditioned for a musical in a while due to well, other things. Than after he passed away, I wasn't accepting it. I finally confronted this situation and auditioned for a musical at the theater in New Creandi. I haven't been attacked or hearing Finn or seeing Finn. I will miss him a lot, but maybe this was what I needed to get myself back out there.

So please, if you still have a ghost, confront whatever it is that you need to and you won't be injured or anything anymore. You'll be free of the ghost.

Nov. 11th, 2013


Okay I'll say it.. this sucks.

Is everyone getting haunted? Or something like being haunted, I don't exactly have anything to compare it to.

Nov. 7th, 2013


Either I'm seeing things....or this is some kind of sick and twisted joke!

Nov. 6th, 2013


Okay, question. Did anyone else get really creepy words written on their wall over night?

Is this just me?

I'd really like confirmation this isn't just me.

Oct. 11th, 2013


I......I......I can't even say it. Its not real!!!!


Oct. 8th, 2013


It seems as though the castle is at it again. Buffy Summers is gone.

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