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Aug. 12th, 2012


Anyone up for a night out?


Do I go out for a run or do I stay on the couch drinking tea and watching the Food Network channel thing?

Aug. 8th, 2012


Burned myself on the coffee machine again, today. Might be time for a career change. Any suggestions?

Filtered private to Damon )

Aug. 7th, 2012



[Just one long, ridiculously loud, angry scream]


[And so on...]

Aug. 6th, 2012


Right. Gonna introduce myself again, 'cos I reckon only like... three people are the same age they were when I first met them. And I don't know who remembers what.

Hi! I'm Peter.

Natasha )

Jul. 29th, 2012


Home, sweet pub. How I missed thee.

I guess I was a little more welcome at the castle as my younger self. I don't really care to go back there again. At least I have my tolerance for alcohol back.

I would like to inform the powers that be that just because I am a vampire doesn't mean that I don't have control. I can live with people without thinking too much about their necks.

Jul. 22nd, 2012



So I love a phone and a... note... as much as the next guy. But the Disney kidnapping? Not cool.

What the hell?

Jul. 21st, 2012


Why in God's name have I woken up in Daniel's very old room?

What has the castle done now?

Jul. 18th, 2012


So... do I have to go to school here?

Who can tell us what we're not allowed to do?

Jul. 17th, 2012


okay this can stop now

its not fun


So, using my excellent exploring skills, I've found a pool.

Who wants to come swimming with me? I'll race people for parfait-based prizes.

Jul. 14th, 2012


Voice Post

Dad? Stefan?

This isn't Mystic Falls.

HELP! I've been kidnapped! Can someone help me get home?


Cut for length. )


Were the fuck am I? This is not my room and theres a really fucking fit bloke in thbed.

did I get drunk?


uh...this thing is wierd did mugles make it?

where am i?

this don't look like home

reg? mum?

Jul. 10th, 2012


I think I need a hobby.

Private to Damon Salvatore )

Private to Sirius Black )

Jun. 29th, 2012


Let no'one say I am not a 'taking in on the chin'-type person.

Who's going to help me get a job?

Jun. 26th, 2012


Ever drunk so much, you were hung over for 3 fucking days?

Jun. 21st, 2012


Simon's gone.

Filtered private to Damon )

Jun. 7th, 2012


I need a new desk.

And someone to help me move a desk into an office on the third floor of the University. Please.

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