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Jul. 22nd, 2013


Who has my body? Why am I being forced to ask thi

It's tall, and it has a robotic prosthetic arm. It's difficult to miss.

[Helena Sr.]
We have a situation. I believe I have your body. This is not my fault.

Have you been affected? I'm cut off from the Force at the moment so I can't tell if you're one of the lucky ones this time.

Jul. 9th, 2013


Just wanted to say thanks to eveyrone who helped and came to the barbeque the other day. It was real nice to get together to do something like that since, well, a really long time. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves.

Lil D

Did you enjoy yourself? Sorry I didn't have much time to go ask you then. You looked to be pretty content with your friends.

Also heard you liked my ribs.

Jul. 2nd, 2013


I'm getting lists together of stuff for Thursday. The hardest one is music playlists; I've got a bunch of my favorites ready, but send me suggestions! Nothing sad, please.

[Private to TWD crew, plus Ickle Daryl and Ickle Rick]

Just letting you guys know.
Katniss is moving in with me. Her roommate got sent back and I offered.

Jun. 22nd, 2013


are there gonna be fireworks on the 4th? be reelly cool

Jun. 8th, 2013


I know the phrase 'chicks dig scars'. Is that true the other way around?

[Filtered to Hermione, Katniss, and Rachel Dare]
Is everyone alright? Hell of a day yesterday.

[Filtered to Ickle Daryl, and Ickle Rick]
You guys alright?


Is something exploding in the city?

You can see stuff flashing in the city when you go up to the roof. You can hear it, too.

Stuff usually doesn't explode when the power goes out.

Jun. 5th, 2013


I met a tall, strong, sweet-as-pie brunette today. Already had him eating from the palm of my hand. I think I'm in love.

Isn't he handsome? )

[Filtered to Rick, Glenn, Carol, Daryl, Ickle Daryl, and Ickle Rick]
I went a little crazy making home made pizza the other night. I put a whole bunch in your rooms. It's the weird shaped foil-wrapped thinger sitting on your door knobs (or at the foot of your door if it fell).

May. 28th, 2013


May. 25th, 2013


I don't understand Harry seems to have gone. Both of them.

Just thought everyone might like to know.

May. 21st, 2013


[Filtered to Olive]

Hi sweetheart.

I just want to let you know that I'm going to be moving out soon. You've been so easy to live with, but I'm going to move in with Daryl closer to Rick they're people that I know from home. I hope it'll be all right if I check up on you and visit, though?

[Filtered to Lil'D]

So I think it's gonna be you and me Friday and Saturday what do you say we do something fun? You up for that?

[Filtered to Glenn]

How you holding up? Haven't talked to you in a little bit.

[Filtered to Padmé]

Hi how are you holding up?

I just thought I'd check up on you.

May. 17th, 2013


I picked a dog.

Photo underneath )

His name is Lescot*. He's a mutt and they weren't entirely sure of his breed, but the suspicion is part Irish Wolfhound. He's a sweetheart and, thankfully, just the right size for me. He's as big as he will ever get.

[* OOC: For the architecturally savvy, name source]

May. 13th, 2013


I've told a few people, but I got an Architect I job again. I started today and, I have to say, it's really nice to be back to work.

I do miss having some friends her Readjusting to leaving, coming back and leaving again, then coming back and only remembering the first time is proving a little mind-bending, but tolerably so. It's no more weird than some of the other things that happen around here.

The one thing that really is proving odd to adjust to is the lack of a pet around, even if it had been a shared pet before. Does anyone know of anyone with any pets, unplanned puppies or kittens, they're trying to get rid of? I'm going to go to the shelter in the next day or two, if not, but I know sometimes people at work had pets with unplanned puppy or kitten litters so I thought I may as well ask here first.

Oct. 11th, 2012


Je n'aime pas cela. Il est improbable. Où suis-je?

Est-ce la technologie de fées?


ooc translation )

Sep. 8th, 2012


i got my frog frum HOME11! he was ded at home butt not no mor here

this maks up for alice leving ,like they no i miss her lots

Aug. 9th, 2012


wen i grow up IM not going to be a stuped adult with no frends and im gona be merried to a nicee prety lady

Aug. 7th, 2012



[Just one long, ridiculously loud, angry scream]


[And so on...]

Jul. 10th, 2012


Attention, sprats! Are there any of you lot who can't swim, and would like to learn? Or maybe you're not a strong swimmer and would like to get better?

Yes, this is a thinly-veiled excuse to get into the pool as much as possible. And I'm fed up with listening to certain young people (DANIEL) whinging about the heat all the time. So, swimming lessons it is, if anyone wants them. Don't worry, I'm an excellent swimmer. As is Daniel, so he can help.

May. 31st, 2012


So tomorrow is my last day of school here in the Land of Make Believe. I can't believe it, I mean yeah I've only been here for a few short months, but I have to say that I actually like it here. I have gotten to know some really amazing people and I don't have to worry about leaving behind people that I love and care about. I can't wait until graduation next week either, I actually got into the musical theater program at the University. And a week after graduation the musical starts and will run all summer. I am so excited for you guys to see it and everything, so I expect you to be there at some point.

Private to Finn
I really enjoyed our talk last week. It was so good to cuddle you around me, I really missed that when I was in that place. But I have a feeling like you aren't telling me something, I liked how you told me all the important stuff that happened on our show, but I just feel like that's not all that happened. Please, if there is something then you need to tell me. We always promised to be honest with each other.

May. 21st, 2012


Destination: LoMB

not that there's many people around here no more what with claudia gone, but if anyone's looking for a quick buck, i need a babysitter for my kid self during week nights. bar ain't no place to bring a 5 year old, least here i got a say.

May. 19th, 2012


Destination: LoMB

[Accidental voice post.]

[Yelling, pretty much exclusive to just one breath (maybe another quick one).]


[Sound of buttons on the phone being pushed. Clattering as the phone drops.]


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