March 2014


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Mar. 3rd, 2014


Sooooo. Anyone else randomly bursting into song?

Feb. 20th, 2014


Blue's been preening since Valentine's Day. I think all of the hugs from grateful recipients went to his head.

Jan. 30th, 2014


Good news is that I've found an apartment!

Bad news is that I need furniture. So, would anyone wish to come furniture shopping with me?

Jan. 28th, 2014


Hey, Tifa.

How about we take that vacation?

Jan. 4th, 2014


Business is a lot quieter now. One of my customers said I should take a vacation.

I'm ... not really sure how.

Dec. 24th, 2013


So as it’s been explained to me we are here for an unknown amount of time? I’ve never heard of this place before but I suppose that’s no surprise if it is a different reality as they claim. Honestly I just felt a little dazed when they told me what had happened.

I guess the next thing to do is take a look around this place and see what I can find. I’ve been given a map by the lady who was here when I arrived so at least that is handy.

Oh my name is Tifa Lockhart, I guess I'll get to know everybody in time.

Sep. 25th, 2013


People disappeared again. Maybe I haven't been paying enough attention, but I thought it had eased up a little. I don't know...

Is everyone still around okay..?

Sep. 21st, 2013


Strife Delivery Service is open. Letters and packages carried by chocobo.

[Private to Tifa]


Sep. 3rd, 2013


Since I've got Blue here, I thought I might go back to making deliveries. Might not be as much demand here as back home, I guess, but it's a pretty easy business to set up, and I enjoy it. Blue would probably like the chance to get out every day, too, not be stuck in the stables until I have time to take him for a ride if I were working for someone else.

Aug. 24th, 2013


Huh. Whatever this place is doing, it's got a strange sense of humor.


Uh, Tifa? Know anywhere I could stable Blue?

Or anyone, really. Need a place for a chocobo that's not the inside of a castle.

[ooc: Yeah, Cloud totally named his blue chocobo "Blue".]

Aug. 16th, 2013


Okay, so, anyone out there up for a sparring match? If I don't do something soon I'm gonna start slacking off.

And don't worry, Ukitake. It won't be in spirit form unless these guys can see me...even then I'd be careful.

Aug. 9th, 2013


Guess I should get used to this. Not sure how, though. Not really used to strange things happening without trouble behind them. And Tifa's Does it happen a lot? People coming here from different times? Do you tell each other what happened? Is that ... okay?

Aug. 1st, 2013


This is ...

... is it real?

Jul. 27th, 2013


Shouldn't let creepy customers spark my curiosity. After hearing so much about this Google thing though...

Can someone tell me why this happens? I don't know if I want to understand, but I need to.

Confusing. )

And who on Gaia are these people dressing like me, drawing me.. in ways I would never be?

Jul. 24th, 2013


So it's kind of weird, not having any magical abilities, but it's nice for a change. Like a mini holiday or something. I wish I could be at my job right now, but well, whenever this thing is over, I certainly plan on returning to work when this ends.


Mum, how are things going, with the shop? Everything is okay still? And how did things work out with the full moon?

You've my blessing, by the way, if you want to hex Snape. Hermione won't approve, but I do. Because even if I know his reasonings, even if I know why, he still was the one who killed Dumbledore, and I can't agree with that in any situation.

Jul. 22nd, 2013


Okay, somebody mind explaining to me what the hell is going on here? Kon, if this is your idea of a dirty trick, you're dead, got that?

Anyone out there got orange hair?


Jul. 21st, 2013


So guess who's the newest employee (or, returned employee, however that works here?) at Skye's Quidditch Supplies?

I had some time this weekend and went in to speak with the owner. They wanted to know what had happened to me, and I'd just mentioned a long-needed holiday, something like that. But yeah, I'll be starting Monday there again!

Jul. 18th, 2013


Would anybody want to come with me to the beach this weekend? I tried going to the castle pool today, but I don't really like it. It's a nice pool, I mean. But the chemicals in the water, and it's so confined... I just, I need the openness of the ocean. And it could be more fun with company.

Jul. 8th, 2013


One more roommate gone.. Think I should just move out of the castle, not having much luck with them! Wouldn't be so bad living atop Seventh Heaven. Stayed there enough nights already...

Anyway! That Fourth of July get together was amazing. It was so nice to see fireworks again. Hadn't seen those since the Golden Saucer! What a nice way to celebrate! When's the next bash?! Could use the pick me up.

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