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Feb. 5th, 2012


Has anyone seen Quentin? His stuff is gone and his phone is disconnected

Jan. 19th, 2012





Nan is gone?! Salazar why can't my family ever stay around?! First Jamie then Al then Charlie, Grandad and Nan..

Teddy you best not be going anywhere or I'll wring your neck :(

Jan. 18th, 2012


Lily is gone.

Both of them.

I don't want to go to school today.

Jan. 7th, 2012


I hate this stupid place. I could talk circles about the laws here and just because I don't have a real degree shouldn't mean anything!

BACK TO SCHOOL I GUESS. Jesus let's hope this school is as easyridi... good as Greendale. And now I'm going to get a part time job. Me, Jeff Winger, a part time job.

Selene, our date might have to be put off because as you can see some things came up and now I have to register for this bogus university.


If I have to go to school, where do I get the uniform? (Actually, I am going to need more clothes in general. I arrived in my suit of armour, and I only have a change of clothes because one of the servants was kind enough to give me a jumper and a short-sleeved tee shirt and a pair of jeans that her son didn't want any more.) Will I need to buy my textbooks and satchel and workbooks and pens?


I have some questions;

  • This is my room, yes? I can do what i like with it? Or will the staff complain?

  • Does anyone know where I can get a whiteboard/a lot of paper?

  • Is there a University in the city?
  • Jan. 4th, 2012


    What a way to start the new year...with a bloody flu.

    Dec. 19th, 2011


    So does anyone know what I'm supposed to do about school?

    Only I'm kind of bored.

    Dec. 16th, 2011


    [Filtered against children]

    I just went to see if Kurt's things were still here but they're gone. I don't think he is coming back.


    It's no fair!

    How come Regulus isnt back yet?

    ETA OOC note: After posting this little Reg cast aside his phone (aka threw his phone against the wall), and proceeded to have a tantrum-y afternoon, not having the chance to get back to anyone.

    Dec. 15th, 2011


    I'm here. I'm in no a particular mood to venture outside of my rooms just yet, but I'm here.


    Least dramatic kidnap ever

    Uh... Hi?

    Anyone going to tell me where I am?


    So....I'm back.


    [ooc: Dated to a couple hours after this]

    Dec. 13th, 2011


    Tama de hundan!

    Where did all the damn Reavers go?!

    OOC: Jayne wasn't a ghost while he was dead. And his mind, like always, is taking a moment to catch up with the facts of the situation.

    Dec. 9th, 2011


    Filtered to those who knew James Potter

    James' service will be at noon today.

    Dec. 8th, 2011

    [info]liilybean appears all the damage is gone. It's bright outside and lawn is unblemished and those...those things aren't mucking about. I feel like I've been launched backward in time but I'm still in Quentin's rooms the East wing. Grandad, Regulus, Kurt...they're all gone. I can't find Charlie anywhere either. I wish my parents or brothers were here, though Nana Lily has been more than wonderful for looking out for me.

    Do you suppose it's safe to go outside?

    Dec. 5th, 2011


    My phone is dying losing battery.

    I don't want to be in my rooms anymore. The memory just hurts.

    Dec. 2nd, 2011


    Filter away from children

    That blue guy - I forgot his name and I don't have time to loo

    We have a plan for a supply run that requires those who know how to ward a building. I am going. We obviously need more than myself as, despite my arrogant Black heritage, I am realistic enough to know my brilliance does not outshine the rank of those creatures.

    Who else?

    ETA: See the conversation with that blue guy - dammit his name is... Kurt not far below my own for an idea of the plan.

    Nov. 28th, 2011


    I'm glad the wards are up, I can finally sleep in my own bed (or as close to 'my own bed' as I'm going to get). I've drawn the curtains though...I don't want to see what's outside when I'm trying to sleep.

    I can't help but feel a little useless stir-crazy though.

    I hear you're running supplies. Do you need assistance?

    How are you holding up? I want to see you

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