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Aug. 26th, 2012


Proof that if you are loud and obnoxious enough about it, wishes really do come true.

Lord Atherol )

Which means a certain cat’s hissing and spitting is somewhat concerning.

Aug. 25th, 2012


I kriffing hate this place.

[Added filter to Luke and Obi Wan]
I'm sure you both sensed it but with the little version of VaderAnakin here, is there a way to teach him to mask his Force presence? I feel selfish for asking but it's...unsettling to sense him in the Force.

Aug. 24th, 2012


Tracey, I have something that belongs to you.

And another strange event passes and I still don't have a live pig. A boy's dreams can only withstand so much disappointment.


Feeling kind of lonely now I ain't stuck with someone no more. Missing me friends again.

Aug. 16th, 2012


I don't think this is as bad as everyone seems to think. Just hope it don't last long.

Aug. 6th, 2012


You know, I never thought I would ever say this ever again in my life... but I think I want to go camping.

Jul. 16th, 2012


i have a question

Jul. 15th, 2012


I'm looking for my brother.

Dean? Dean, come on. I know you're here. I know you want to rip my lungs out, but where are you?

Jul. 14th, 2012


This is a really awesome castle and everything but... I can't find my dad and I think I need to go home now.


dad? i think i got lost. i musta wandered. you told me not to i'm sorry i did.


is anyone there? me names tom mcnair and i dunno where i am and i'm scared

Jul. 10th, 2012


I - I hurt my hand. And my head. I fell. I think I fell. There was a bang and I want to go home and

Could someone maybe... help me? please? I mean - thank you.

Jul. 2nd, 2012


Forecast says it'll rain on Tuesday night. Typical, innit? Guess I'll have to wear a jacket.

Anyone know where I can get a raw chook?

Filtered private to Mitchell )

Jun. 26th, 2012


Last Summer of my Fading Youth Project 1: Dominoes!

Question: Who wants to help me set up Dominoes in the Ballroom and then watch them all fall down?

Question for the magic-types: Who wants to duplicate a bunch of Dominoes for me? Please, pretty please. Name your price, we'll start negotiating.

Jun. 23rd, 2012


So, this may sound like a strange request but I need some help in making some specialized arrowheads for my bow. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jun. 17th, 2012


Okay, so! The library is about as fun as the one in my old high school was. I found out I look way better on TV than in movies. Good times, seriously. Crummy movie. I mean, I could do wayyyy better than a scrawny 90210 knockoff guy. I have done better. Kinda wishing I was still the dumb blonde that thought Dewey was just a third of Donald's nephews. Totally feel bad for disbelieving the craziness I was told when I got here. It's still crazy, don't get me wrong, just a believable sorta crazy. That, and I'm not 100% convinced that I'm not still dreaming.

I like Obi-wan's take on them. Just some B-movie level documentaries about my life. Can't believe people would have sat through seven seasons of what I went through.

Anyway, in less mind blow-y news! City's nice. Think I'm on to getting a job already, too, so yay me!


I was told that this was how people here communicate with one another.

I arrived today. My name is Agent Natasha Romanoff. Hello.

Jun. 11th, 2012


Adults are so lame! They never let you have fun.

Jun. 3rd, 2012


They're gone. Annie, George and baby Eve are gone.

Filtered to Hal )

Filtered to Nina )

May. 21st, 2012


Destination: Mos Eisley

I don't suppose anyone has been able to make contact with the castle, or get back there yet?

As for where we are, I've never been so glad I was raised in the Muggle world, so that I know what this place is. This is kind of odd, that there's only a few of us here. Has the castle ever done this before?

And just be careful to not look at any angry aliens the wrong way, yeah?

May. 16th, 2012


Destination: Mos Eisley

I take back everything I've ever said about the castle. Everything. Just, somebody tell me how to get out of here.

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