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Jul. 1st, 2011


Monday we're having a party!

I know not everyone is from America or even Earth and technically we're not even on Earth, but we're having a Fourth of July party anyway. I already talked to the castle and kitchen staff and we have full use of the entire grounds for the party. The kitchen staff will BBQ so there will be plenty of food.

I'll be spending Sunday night decorating, so if anyone wants to help me, Matt Donovan, I'm looking at you, I'll be out there after dinner.

Jun. 16th, 2011


I want green jello.

Jun. 8th, 2011


voice post.

[ There's lots of rustling in the background, and the sound of sniffles as Brittany tries to hold up the recorder, but just ends up dropping it. This goes on for a good five minutes before an audible growl of frustration can be heard. ]

Uh. I -- um. I think something is wrong. I can't feel my legs, or my arms, or my fingers, or my toes, or my head, or my skin.

I think I need to see a doctor.

Um --



[ There's another long pause as she tumbles out of bed with a loud squeak. ]

Is this real life?

May. 28th, 2011


Can we have pink hanging carpets tomorrow? Maybe ones that sparkle and have kittens on them?

Who gets to decorate the castle?


My lir appears to have gone exploring. If anyone runs across a black mountain cat in the castle or nearby surrounds, please don't worry, she's not dangerous.

May. 27th, 2011


Surgery was successful.

Resting now.

So tired.

May. 25th, 2011


Where is Guinevere? Womna worker broughb reakfast thi smorning, not Guinevere. Miss Guinevere. Miss Sam. Miss Dean.

May. 24th, 2011


I've obtained a job.

May. 15th, 2011


I don't know what everyone is complaining about, I like the new lights. They remind me of a disco ball. I'm in the mood for some Lady Gaga music.

I am hungry, though... Do you think the kitchen has fondue?


Someone bedazzled the light fixtures? Why didn't I think of that?

May. 11th, 2011


• • • 0008.

Um.... has... anyone seen little me? :( I went to bed last night and had a dream about Lord Tubbington and a mouse and a bread bowl from Breadstix and when I woke up she was gone. Something tells me she's not coming back, but um, if someone finds her, please bring her back.

I miss Santana, too. Maybe whoever brought little me to this castle can bring Santana next? I would like to have her here.

Oh! OH! OH! Caroline is helping me put together Glee club here, if anyone wants to join they should let us know.

May. 9th, 2011


Alright, well this is somewhat new. I'm either in the Matrix, or I'm in Cleveland. I have yet to see Keanu Reeves, but I may, or may not have seen Drew Carey. This is definitely Cleveland.

Or is this what Michael Jackson saw everyday? God I've got Jackson-itis.

Well anyway, where the hell am I?

May. 6th, 2011


I should be getting ready to go to the prom and to graduate, but instead I'm stuck here in this castle, not sure where me and Matt stand and waiting tables in a diner. What am I supposed to do in September? I don't have any of the papers I need to enroll in school, highschool or college. This is so not fair! Not to mention I've had to spend most of my money on animal blood from the butchers.

I can't believe I'm going to miss prom.

Brittany, what was that you were talking about before? About singing?

May. 5th, 2011


My sikirts torn.

Apr. 28th, 2011


• • • 0007.

I have a job! I have never had a job before. I have a job and I'm going to be making a lot of money!

I hope I get to wear a name tag.

I'm the village cat-walker! I have a leash, and I'm thinking of buying a cute little jacket so people know what I'm doing! I can't wait to start, me and little me are making cat noises! We plan on talking in cat for the rest of the day.



Empty night. I don't need a Mini-Me wandering around!

Apr. 24th, 2011


• • • 0006. - voice post.

[ Lots and lots of sniffling can be heard from both big and ickle Brittany before ickle!Brittany can contain her sniffles and crying enough to talk. ]

I -- I think the Easter Bunny forgot about us this year. I -- I thought I was a good enough girl, but there's no basket and no jellybeans and no chocolate bunnies!

I wanna go home now! I'm not having fun. I wanted a basket and I wanted to go hunt for eggs.

[ A voice in the background, which is obviously big!Brittany who is sniffling too, can be heard. ]

Me too. I wanted to hunt for eggs and I wanted to see the Easter Bunny in the mall.

Apr. 20th, 2011


• • • 0005. - voice post.

[ big!Brittany and ickle!Brittany are definitely giggling together before big!Brittany talks: ]

I don't know why everyone is having such a problem. I was definitely an awesome kid. I'm still awesome.

[ More giggles between the two as ickle!Brittany steals the phone. ]

Dance party in the dining hall in five minutes!

Apr. 17th, 2011


What is this? Where am I? Harry? Hermione? I need to get back!

Apr. 16th, 2011


There is something extremely calming about being surrounded by books all day.

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