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Nov. 5th, 2011



Seems to be the popular thing to do around here, so- what's the job suggestion for an ex-criminal smuggler soldier?

Nov. 3rd, 2011


Fireworks on Saturday night in the grounds. For mine and Squirt-Sirius' birthday and also for that weird muggle holiday that they say isn't for my our birthday, but it obviously kind of is.

Andy (The girl one) will provide soup and whatever else it is people eat at these things. If it rains I will convince Remus to stop being a girl and move the whole thing indoors.

Oct. 29th, 2011


Accidental voice post - from much purposeful banging of the phone

*Just a bunch of loud grunts and incoherent shouts and much banging of things in the room and stamping of feet*

Oct. 28th, 2011


I'm probably just gonna stay in the castle and not go outside unless I really have to. Better news, though.. I start work soon.

Also, I don't think Thalia is around anymore. I didn't see her at the usual training session last weekend. Figured she might have been busy with friends or something, but.. tried calling and even checking the room to be sure. There's no trace so I assume she went back like the others did.

Sep. 11th, 2011


For anyone who doesn't know there's a duel between me and Thalia this morning outside, after breakfast to see who's better with a sword. So if you want some entertainment then come watch.

Sep. 8th, 2011


So, I had an interview at the gym on Monday and they called me back today and want me to start next Monday. I'll miss the sun and the chance to tan while working, but atleast I'll still be working. It beats going to school for sure.

Jo, thanks again for calling the gym for me. I'm just glad the bodyswap thing ended before my interview.

Does anyone else use a sword? No offense to those I train with in the mornings, but the majority of you suck when it comes to swordfighting. But at the same time I suck at archery so we're even.

Sep. 1st, 2011


I can't believe it! I'm ME! I missed me! I can sing again! I feel great.

Thanks, Dr. Sweets!

I want to have that picnic this weekend. Ariadne, you have to come too. Serena, you too.

I have school. SCHOOL!?! Now what to wear.


YES!! Really glad to be back to this again. That was definitely a new experience. Story for the grandkids, if I live long enough for it later I feel more comfortable in my own skin though. Everything seems functional so far. Damn, now I'm sounding like Cameron, ha ha Might have done a little exercise, not sure. But still in one piece, so that's a good thing. I think I'm gonna go out for a run.


This is certainly a strange little box. The lovely lady whose rooms I share tells me this is a means of communication - hello, is this message getting to anyone?

I'm also told there isn't a way home. There better be a place that offers good mead then.


I'm a boy again! Now I know how Pinocchio felt when he became a real boy. Wow, that was lame.

Jo, thanks for taking care of my body.

Gonna have to go to the pool tomorrow and talk to my boss. He can't be too happy that I haven't been there. Oh well, anything is easy after you've faced off against Titans.

Aug. 22nd, 2011


Has anyone seen Katniss Everdeen? She would look like a boy at the moment. I know that isn't much to go on, but I don't know the person whose body she currently has. Normally we share quarters, but I haven't seen her since before this started and I can't locate her.

Annabeth, Thalia, have either of you heard from her?

Aug. 21st, 2011


I'm in a man's body and I can't quite get used to this. It seems I've switched bodies as well and I have no idea whose body I have. Nor do I know who has my body. And I'm not sure if I've seen this face- the one I have right now- before. I feel like I have, but I don't know where.

Aug. 20th, 2011


What the hell?? I'm a GIRL! My ears are different than other girls though, how God, this is a bit awkward. Well, more than a bit. A lot! Can I please have my own parts back Nothing in the world or even my own imagination could have prepared me for this. I don't understand why.. oh. Now there's a nice looking sword. Looks badass. Always wanted one, but Mom always said guns and knives were more practical

Aug. 17th, 2011


I like being away from home. At least it's not on fire here. And I don't have a damn destiny to follow or any of the "Chosen One" crap I've had crammed into my head since I could walk. No more running. Honestly, I couldn't have been the only boy to grow up to lead an army! I wish I had a normal childhood. Like video games, joyrides, drinking, shooting hoops. Well, I did do some of that but never for long. And maybe hacked a few ATMs, or created a few computer viruses. But we always had to pick up and move somewhere else. That sucked a lot. But I miss my life in a way.. err, not the metal. I sure as hell don't miss getting shot at, chased, or hunted by machines for the next 20 years. I don't miss that ever.

What I do miss is my family, my mother. I know she could be uptight. And strict. And paranoid, with her "No one is ever safe" dogma and extensive house rules. I get the eye if I even mentioned computers or joke about viruses or hacking. It was fun, come on! But I love her, I miss her. She can be hard but she had good moments too. She protected me, loved me. Everything she did was for me. To make sure I survived. Even if it would have been nice to get toys once in a while, which I didn't. I miss her voice the most. I also miss my uncle Derek, and Cameron, and even my girlfriend Riley.

I even miss my Uncle Bob cyborg bodyguard sometimes. And my school buddy Morris too (lost contact because.. guess what, we had to move once again). I just wish, most of all, that I could have met my father (even if I'm supposed to later, it's not the same). Or that so many people didn't have to die for me, or because of me. I just didn't like having all that pressure on me. I know it's necessary, but doesn't mean I had to like it.

Aug. 3rd, 2011


Lol can I join the spoiled kids club: I'M TWENTY SIX!!!!!!

and you are all invited to my party

when i find out where and when to throw it





Jul. 7th, 2011


Gummi frogs. Never had anything like that before. I've had bears and worms, but.. I have to admit the frogs are good. Better, actually.

Jul. 2nd, 2011


My birthday really snuck up on me fast with the blindness happening. I lost track of days.

Jul. 1st, 2011


Monday we're having a party!

I know not everyone is from America or even Earth and technically we're not even on Earth, but we're having a Fourth of July party anyway. I already talked to the castle and kitchen staff and we have full use of the entire grounds for the party. The kitchen staff will BBQ so there will be plenty of food.

I'll be spending Sunday night decorating, so if anyone wants to help me, Matt Donovan, I'm looking at you, I'll be out there after dinner.

Jun. 28th, 2011


i know there had been some talk of a pool being made a bit back. who was doing that?

i really miss being in by the bay. i would like to have more water around.

Jun. 5th, 2011


Thirty does not feel any different than twenty-nine. Then again I'm only on the first day of thirty. I miss Astoria.

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