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May. 17th, 2011


I'm working at the gum downtown as a personal trainer. It's a really great gym, if anyone is inclined to join. And I can guarantee you a great workout if you come and train with me. The only problem is it takes up so much of my time lately.

I'll be able to afford a broom in no time.

What's happening on the strike front? Anything I can do?

May. 15th, 2011


Someone bedazzled the light fixtures? Why didn't I think of that?

May. 11th, 2011


• • • 0008.

Um.... has... anyone seen little me? :( I went to bed last night and had a dream about Lord Tubbington and a mouse and a bread bowl from Breadstix and when I woke up she was gone. Something tells me she's not coming back, but um, if someone finds her, please bring her back.

I miss Santana, too. Maybe whoever brought little me to this castle can bring Santana next? I would like to have her here.

Oh! OH! OH! Caroline is helping me put together Glee club here, if anyone wants to join they should let us know.

May. 5th, 2011


Anyone know the next best thing to a Pepper Up potion? Or if we have Pepper Up? And how to deal with a small fever? My poor Wee fell sick. And I don't quite know what to do beyond the initial things.

Apr. 24th, 2011


I never really put much stock in Easter... but the Ickle Me wants to do an egg hunt. So, we're going down to the grounds to hide and find Easter Eggs.

Anyone/everyone is free to come and join us.

Apr. 21st, 2011


Filtered away from ickles

I haven't wanted a smoke so badly in ages.

Mine wants a play date or six. Anyone not have an ickle version of themselves that sets things on fire?


uhh so if you see a blond little thing running around trying to blow things up with her mind ignore her. she's not there yet and she's jealous that i am.

ugh now i know why my mom threatened to belt me all the damn time!

Apr. 13th, 2011


I've gone a bit batty without my broom. Apparently I've got to get a job so I can buy a broomstick? This place is nutters.

Does anyone need any gardening work done? Perhaps I can do landscaping. Something to keep my hands busy.

Mar. 27th, 2011


My crazy Tellyphone is beeping at me.

Mar. 25th, 2011


I've been here a couple of days now, and generaly I like the food at the Dining place, but today the applesauce was warm and the pot roast cold.

Mar. 23rd, 2011


what on earth/