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Aug. 21st, 2013


Right, I still don't believe the lot of this, but I am willing to suspend my disbelief if some kind soul can tell me where I can get a bottle of Ogden's. That would be a far better "welcome" gift than this impossibly complicated piece of rubbish Muggle technology.

Aug. 18th, 2013


[Filtered message to Regulus Black]

Regulus, hello. I'm Harry. I'm not the most eloquent person when it comes to writing on this thing, so here goes, I guess. I...just wanted to introduce myself, say hello, and, um, thanks. Really. I don't know how much of the future you know already, but...we owe you, more than I could ever say.

Aug. 16th, 2013


Quidditch anyone?

Think we can get a Quidditch game going? you know of a way that maybe non-magical people can fly? I think it'd be brilliant to get a few matches set up, or even a tournament if we could!

Anyone interested in Quidditch?

Aug. 12th, 2013


Sorry for not really being around here much lately! I've been working quite a bit, getting back into things. Working at a Quidditch shop was not exactly what I was planning on doing after Hogwarts, but well...I guess it will work for now!

Aug. 4th, 2013


Never thought I'd be so happy to be back in my own body. Bit of a relief. Guess I'm really starting work again tomorrow.


Care about those dreams that I mentioned and everything?

Jul. 29th, 2013


This new body is actually more athletic than I am. Went for a run this morning for the first time in ages, I think. Usually I'd go flying, but that's one thing that I miss in this body, is not being able to fly.


You've not had any dreams, have you? I used to get them easily, visions. But they've stopped now for a while. I just...I want to make certain that it's really true that they're gone.

Jul. 24th, 2013


So it's kind of weird, not having any magical abilities, but it's nice for a change. Like a mini holiday or something. I wish I could be at my job right now, but well, whenever this thing is over, I certainly plan on returning to work when this ends.


Mum, how are things going, with the shop? Everything is okay still? And how did things work out with the full moon?

You've my blessing, by the way, if you want to hex Snape. Hermione won't approve, but I do. Because even if I know his reasonings, even if I know why, he still was the one who killed Dumbledore, and I can't agree with that in any situation.

Jul. 23rd, 2013


I wanna do all the things today! I want tea and watercolors and to start learning again to swim with legs. And I want to do more gushing and see what Quidditch is, because I really think I already know but I can't remember. Oh, and anything else, I should learn about this place, too. You know who you are...are any of you free?

If you're still stuck in Rachel's you need anything?

Jul. 22nd, 2013


Okay, can someone PLEASE explain which spell did this? I was supposed to start working today; I don't think they'll believe I'm Harry even if I say I am!

Jul. 21st, 2013


So guess who's the newest employee (or, returned employee, however that works here?) at Skye's Quidditch Supplies?

I had some time this weekend and went in to speak with the owner. They wanted to know what had happened to me, and I'd just mentioned a long-needed holiday, something like that. But yeah, I'll be starting Monday there again!

Jul. 20th, 2013


Allana...? Mr. & Mrs. Solo? Kon? Dawn? this another Seal thing? I'm really tired of the Seal things back to back like this...I just need a little break, I'm not asking for a lot... This room looks kind of like Eric's castle Where'd this phone come from? It's way weirder nicer than mine.

Jul. 17th, 2013


Bloody Excel is going to be the death of me. Who can give a crash course in computers? There are some chocolate biscuits in it for you.

This potion tastes absolutely vile. But I'll gladly drink the entire cauldren-full if it works out as it is supposed to next week.

Have you spoken with him?

Jul. 14th, 2013


I guess I really have been here about a month now. It feels a lot longer than that, sometimes.

I should...probably look into getting a job. Most of what I'm good at involves something magical, so I'm not even sure...what kind of job I should look for here.

Jul. 7th, 2013


The existence of this contraption called a 'smartphone' is proof that this place is no creation of my mind. Hardly makes this less distressing difficult to wrap ones mind around.

Jun. 26th, 2013


Well, it looks like I've landed myself in the Land of Make Believe. Really, the only logical conclusion is that this is a very intricate dream, because I can't explain how I got here and I could've sworn I just walked past a couple of the Avengers. Assuming I am unconscious on the other side, I can only hope that Leonard keeps me under, plugs me into life support and lets me ride this one out, this is definitely one I'm gonna want to remember.

Oh, who stops to update their blog in the middle of a dream? How silly of me. Now, I'm off to see how many autographs I can get before I wake up.

Jun. 24th, 2013


Filtered away from children

[OOC: Backdated to Friday]

Okay, let's say I have a friend who might be affected by the coming full moon this weekend. And my friend needs a safe place to go that's separate from anyone else so that everyone stays safe.

Is there a place here where my friend can go?

Please, someone say there's a place for him


Okay, I'm asking. I'm sorry if this message isn't great, if you want me to change anything about it, tell me. Okay?

Jun. 22nd, 2013


filtered to torunn & harry )

filtered to regulus the elder )

Jun. 20th, 2013


You know, I'd assume this was a prank from my mates. If I thought they were capable of pulling something like this off without me.

Not a joke, I take it?

Jun. 19th, 2013


filtered to Hermione Granger

Hermione! (I hope I did this right!)

...Mum is here.

Jun. 16th, 2013


This place is...well, it reminds me a lot of Hogwarts, but more modern. I mean, technology and all of that works here, where as it couldn't work in Hogwarts. I haven't really left the castle yet, except for by accident today. I've been exploring a bit and found something...pretty interesting. Does anyone else know of any secret passages? I sort of stumbled upon it. At least there's no moving stairwells here, or no disappearing rooms here yet, from what I can tell.

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