March 2014


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Mar. 7th, 2014


So Sunday's my birthday, and I'll be going for dinner and a couple drinks at [insert one of the bar/pub type places in the city] at 7 pm. So anyone who wants to join me is more than welcome! No need for presents or anything like that. Just something casual and relaxed and, hopefully, fun!

Mar. 4th, 2014


You know, I loved that I could easily just burst into song all day today. Except for when I started singing in the middle of class.......that wasn't the best idea. I totally got stared at by everyone in class and the professor. But who cares, I have a great voice and it should be shared with the world.


Amidst all the singing, I learned that my world is, apparently, part of a series of musicals. I honestly don't know what to think of that.

Mar. 3rd, 2014


Sooooo. Anyone else randomly bursting into song?

Feb. 25th, 2014


I'm thinking of taking up an outdoor project soon. A zen garden. The castle staff said I could create one on the grounds. Maybe even outside of the walls if the feel of the area is right.

Except, growing plants or tending to them isn't something I'm very good with so any help would be appreciated.

Feb. 20th, 2014


Blue's been preening since Valentine's Day. I think all of the hugs from grateful recipients went to his head.

Feb. 15th, 2014


I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day.....and didn't eat too much chocolate! Mine was spent in rehearsal for the musical and studying for my classes. It's getting a tad overwhelming, but I know that I can do this!


[Audio; locked to Siri]

[backdated to February 14th.]

There's an Earth festival today. I need to talk to you about it.

Feb. 14th, 2014


So this Valentine's Day is a significant improvement over last year. I'm not dead. Here's to hoping it stays that way.

Feb. 13th, 2014


[Filtered to Obi-Wan]
Did you figure out this holiday on your own this time?

[Filtered to Padmé]
I have tomorrow off. I want to spend it with you and the babies.

[Filtered to Ahsoka]
You can have tomorrow off from training.


Filtered to Ahsoka

We have the day off tomorrow. I think for my older self's sake I should not stay home all day.

So... we should do something. Plus, it's Valentine's Day. It's kind of required.

Jan. 30th, 2014


Well, uhhhh that was certainly interesting!


I'm almost disappointed I didn't become younger. Childhood was such a long time ago that the reminder might have done me some good. Growing up happens too quickly, and soon enough, we start to forget all about the things that were important when we were small.


Good news is that I've found an apartment!

Bad news is that I need furniture. So, would anyone wish to come furniture shopping with me?

Jan. 28th, 2014


Well that was.. unpleasant.


Hey, Tifa.

How about we take that vacation?

Jan. 27th, 2014


This message is for anyone who knew my brother. He's has been sent home.


That was a blast from the past I didn't need.

So Anakin, how'd those cakes turn out?

[Filtered to Force users]

Don't worry if you can't sense me in the Force. I'm just going to conceal my presence for a couple days, I'm not gone or anything. So I'm still here if anyone needs me for something.

[Filtered to Siri]

I am sorry for that conversation with the younger you.


How do you know when someone's gone home? There has to be some sort of indication.

So, my first "odd occurrence" here at the castle and it seems to be an aging event. If you've grown a beard, I want pictures.

Jan. 26th, 2014


[This comes in the early morning. She doesn't sound much different but it's only a few years age difference for her.]

Will someone tell me why this bucket of bolts that tried to kill me is following me around? I tried to get him to leave but he won't.

What sort of trouble have you gotten us into this time, Master? How did we even get to this backwater planet? There isn't even any fighting going on. Let me guess, we crashed and now have to wait here for Master Kenobi to come rescue us. Again.

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