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Feb. 13th, 2012


Is it just me or are people being really sarcastic tonight?

FOR THE RECORD: I never stopped a robbery, that was a duplicate and he was lying though I can't tell if it was because of what's going on now or not. I don't think it is because I'm not lying.

I think he was just being really weird.

Cripes, okay carry on.

Feb. 11th, 2012


Roses are red,
Violets are blue...

Will someone please tell me why that has lasted for decades? I am going into a red and pink coma.


I swear they make us read 'Romeo and Juliet' at this time every year. Remind me never to become an English teacher.


In the spirit of being responsible -- shhhhhhh, Sirius, I AM -- I need to find a job. But, uh, I'm kind of at a loss about what I should do. I was almost an Auror back home, but I don't think that carries over.

Suggestions - name them.

Feb. 6th, 2012


How is it that we are kidnapped, and they expect US to get jobs? I could be a phlebotamist.

Selene )

Mitchell )

Feb. 4th, 2012



Need I really say anymore?


And when I'm done there...


[Voice Post]

Attention this is Captain America, if this is an allied country please alert your high official and inform them I am awake. If I am a prisoner I demand to speak to your high official at once.

Jan. 19th, 2012




Jan. 12th, 2012


Is it a virus that's causing all the phones to break? They're all a common make, aren't they? And connected to a common network. It'd be easy enough to do.

And does anyone here play chess?


Hey, any of you magical types any good with black eyes? Healing them, not giving them.

Jan. 11th, 2012


</s>This is so frustrating</s>

Sorry to bother everyone again, but I'm having a spot of bother trying to work out a few things.

- I can understand the difference between dollars and £.s.d, but I think the value of things is completely different. Is $100 not a lot of money now?

- I found the library in the castle, but I haven't had a chance to really look around it. Is there a good history section? My history teacher is a bit unwilling to accept that I don't know much of what happened after 1942 so I've got a lot of reading to do. I don't mind that part, actually.

- School in general. It's so </s>confusing</s> different. No uniform, people talk back to their teachers, nobody gets caned for talking back... And I'm far from stupid, but I hadn't ever seen a "mac" before, so I don't see what was so funny when I didn't know how to turn one on. This isn't so much a query and much more of a complaint. Sorry.

- I've been told that I'm too young to get a job. Is this true? I'm fourteen, I'm not a child.

Jan. 9th, 2012


[Mass voice post]

Ön darab szemét Olaszországból! Az anyja egy Orosz traktor és az apja volt a falu bolondja a Modena! Köpök meg! Én köpni a gyárban!

Jan. 7th, 2012


I hate this stupid place. I could talk circles about the laws here and just because I don't have a real degree shouldn't mean anything!

BACK TO SCHOOL I GUESS. Jesus let's hope this school is as easyridi... good as Greendale. And now I'm going to get a part time job. Me, Jeff Winger, a part time job.

Selene, our date might have to be put off because as you can see some things came up and now I have to register for this bogus university.


If I have to go to school, where do I get the uniform? (Actually, I am going to need more clothes in general. I arrived in my suit of armour, and I only have a change of clothes because one of the servants was kind enough to give me a jumper and a short-sleeved tee shirt and a pair of jeans that her son didn't want any more.) Will I need to buy my textbooks and satchel and workbooks and pens?


Some women have more purses than they can use. Some women have more shoes than they can wear.

I have more plants than I can take care of. Walking around my place is almost like a minefield. Is there anyone who might be able to provide a good home for some of these plants?

Jan. 6th, 2012


Nobody home at Spike's crypt. Looks like he is gone. Nothing left there, and I can't picture him cleaning before he moved.

I know I usually made him furious for some reason, but I hope he's doing well, wherever he ended up.

I suppose he was the closest to family I had here.

Jan. 5th, 2012


Not that I don't ever have ideas of my own, and this isn't something I usually bother doing, but I thought resolutions were actually a good idea, so I've come up with some of my own.

1. Stay visible more often.
2. Look for a new job - maybe using my desktop since I can't use it for anything that would involve contacting home.
3. Add a few more colours to my clothes. Suggestions are more than welcome, but NOT orange.
4. Oh... on the new job front, maybe look into opening my own photographic/computer services business.
5. Stop moping over Nathan and Alisha, especially Nathan. After all, when he'd around I can't stand him.
6. Be a better room-mate. Selene? I know it's not something you worry over, but I'm really sorry I've been so antisocial.

Have I forgotten anything?


Excusez-moi? Je semble être perdu... Où suis-je?

La wasn la note 't très utile.

Dec. 27th, 2011



Metallica Monopoly, tonight, down in the Dining Hall after dinner. Anyone interested is welcome to join.

Dec. 25th, 2011


First purchase when the stores open: One each mechanic's tool set.

Anybody needs an engine carried downstairs, let me know.

Verrrrrry funny, Santa. I would have been perfectly happy with a set of keys and a note to look in the garage. Guess I know what my after-work hours will be spent doing for the next few months.

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