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Feb. 13th, 2013


Oh. Okay. Great.

Can somebody lend me some pants?


So waking up was was a bit of a shock this morning.

It's lovely to know that the castle is kind enough to include those of us who don't even live there in its little games.

Feb. 4th, 2013


Oh, this is just bloody wonderful.

Jan. 21st, 2013


I knew that taking courses at the university with the travel ahead in time I did was going to be challenging. But I am nothing if not determined to meet this challenge head-on. Mechanical engineering is a bit different than how I learned it originally.

Though at least I did not have crumpled paper thrown at me because I was not properly paying attention.

Jan. 16th, 2013


I just went to lunch in my security uniform, and a kid gave me a drawing of Nightwing.

How bad is it if I gave him my "autograph?"

Jan. 15th, 2013


It's remarkable how quickly we can get used to almost anything, and how the surreal can become taken over by commonplace routine.

I'm not saying it's boring. I would like to note that for the record, so that if something weird happens it's definitely not my fault.

Just... settling in. It's a thing. People are really good at it.

Jan. 1st, 2013


bright light bright light

Dec. 30th, 2012


I am going skiing. Not right now, of course, but tomorrow.

Does anyone want to come with me?

Dec. 25th, 2012


Merry Christmas, everyone.

...apparently someone snuck into my room last night claiming to be Santa and gave me a crimson colored sweater? It's warm and soft and... I'm not going to complain. I'm just wondering how someone got into my room.

Dec. 12th, 2012


I have paint in places I didn't know I had places. Namely, the bits of wall above the kitchen cabinets. And apparently down the back of my neck has paint on it as well? But my kitchen is now painted, hurrah.

Nov. 28th, 2012


I am surrounded by ice pop sticks and paper snowflakes. Joy.

Oh, look at that. The snowflakes look like they're made from my brand new Murano sketchpad. That's superb. And everywhere I go, I'm tripping over little sticks. I found six in my mug at work. Fantastic.

Bitch whinge moan.

Nov. 14th, 2012


I'm sure everybody must get used to it sooner or later, but this place really is gorgeous. Even in the middle of November. I'm trying to fit in as much exploring as I can before I have to give in and find a job.

Danny )

Nov. 1st, 2012


This was not where I expected to wake up. And yet I'm reasonably sure I'm not dreaming.

Anybody out there?

Oct. 21st, 2012




Oct. 8th, 2012


I've about finished unpacking. There are still a lot of open areas because I've yet to get something to clutter them up with, but it's nice in that sense. It's organized, neat. But it also means it's the best time to have people over before it gets cluttered.

I was thinking that it would be good to have a belated housewarming/early Halloween party this Saturday starting at 7 pm, tentatively. (If anything weird happens on Halloween, this way there's a dose of fun ahead of time anyhow.) I'll have pizza, soda, some sweets and other stuff. Bring your own beverage if you want alcoholic (and are old enough to drink it - no underage drinking will be allowed.) Costumes are optional, but encouraged.

Consider this an open invite to all castle and former castle residents, but RSVP required so I know what to plan for as far as guests go. I've got enough room that I don't think it should be an issue.

Oct. 1st, 2012


I'm not entirely sure if it's widespread, but there was a past instance at the castle where people ended up sharing dreams. It was happening when I arrived in July 2011. I think I've been having shared dreams like that again.

Also, thank you (again) to everyone who helped me move.

Sep. 30th, 2012


Tomorrow, the lease kicks in and I can move into my apartment. I figure after about a few days to unpack and settle in, a few people will owe me visits. Unless people want to volunteer to help me carry boxes from my studio to the apartment.

Sep. 15th, 2012


Um. I know we're technically in another universe, but is there a synagogue in the city? Because if the calendar is right it's supposed to be Rosh Hashanah in like two days.

Sep. 14th, 2012


Filtered to Eames & Arthur )

Sep. 12th, 2012


You know, it just occurred to me that the initials of the company I work for spell "ass." Eames, have you noticed this before?

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