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May. 18th, 2013


I'm sorry, is this... what is this?

This isn't Alliance, is it? It doesn't seem like Alliance. Did Jayne sell me to some crazy kidnapping psychopaths who delight in leaving vague, utterly unhelpful notes for their hostages? It's unlikely that he put me here himself. The note doesn't feature any misspellings or profanities.

It doesn't matter. I don't know where I am and I don't know who's reading this, and I don't much care. I need to get back to my sister. Soon. Now.

May. 13th, 2013


Tired of the sticky. Rocks, trees, dirt. Dirt, trees, rocks. No metal walls. No space.

May. 12th, 2013


Voice Post

Gorram it! I ain't got time for this go tsao de gos se.

I don't take kindly to abductions of my personal self, so whoever is ruttin' in charge of this gos se operation should come out and we'll start the negotiating terms process.

And if you do it quick enough I give you a five minute start to explain yourself before I shoot your ass.

May. 2nd, 2013


So, am I to understand that the little note on the table is intended to subdue panic? It could use a little work, though I am certainly in no position to critique the work of mysterious strangers. Honestly, why is it always kidnapping that people resort to as a means to an end? I have experienced worse standards of living, however, so I will withhold any complaints. I have to say that I am admittedly intrigued by the idea of being whisked away against my will.

Who runs this planet? Is it Alliance? Any help beyond the briefest of introductions would be delightful. In the meanwhile, my name is Inara Serra, and I am sure it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Apr. 28th, 2013


voice post

So I guess this thing is a voxophone, or as close to one as it can get. It looks like I've ended up in one of those other alternate realities. People don't usually drown and wake up.

Definitely not anyplace I remember on Columbia. Sure as hell isn't New York either. This 'Land of Make Believe' doesn't exactly sit quaint. Sounds more like reality hell to me. Maybe that's exactly right, and I'm right where I belong then.


I keep expecting to wake up from whatever dream this is, but it never seems to happen. Anyone have any recommendations for something to do in the middle of the night?

I wish I could sleep. Night is the worst. All I can do is lay in bed and think about Prim. What will happen to her. How I couldn't save her.

It's not fair. Everything I did. Everything I went through was to protect her. I can't- Everyone tells me that I'm a survivor. Gale said I would do whatever would help me to survive, but what's the point of surviving if everyone that matters is gone? I'm just so tired of everything. I used to know how to be happy, and now it just hurts all the time. I don't know who brought me here or why, but if you can see this, please please send me Prim. You can even send me back if you have to. I'll endure anything at home if Prim can just be safe here.

Apr. 25th, 2013


Voice Post

Not right. This isn't right. W-we weren't planetside.


[A pause]

Mal? Where is everyone?

Jan. 18th, 2012


OMG OMG PUPPY!!!!!!!!!

Ariadne you are my favorite person EVER!

Jan. 15th, 2012


Know too much, don't know enough. Too quiet, too loud. Conundrum wrapped up in a quandary and it's leaving me bored.

Jan. 12th, 2012


Anyone want to play jacks?

Dec. 21st, 2011


I think I may want to try kissing.

Dec. 13th, 2011


Tama de hundan!

Where did all the damn Reavers go?!

OOC: Jayne wasn't a ghost while he was dead. And his mind, like always, is taking a moment to catch up with the facts of the situation.

Dec. 7th, 2011


Finally. Finally shushed, even if it's still rattling around in the head.

Mal isn't, though. Not making noises. Not dead, just gone. Again.


What the hell is this? Some sort of weird VI construct? And why do I have this weird primitive datapad... thing? I'm sure as hell didn't fall asleep last night in a damn castle, so let me make this simple: I'd better get some goddamned answers, and I'd better get them quickly, or someone's gonna wind up with broken bones until I do.

Nov. 28th, 2011


Flash in the dark.

Lots of pieces. Not going to go down well. Too many pieces, just splatters.

Nov. 24th, 2011


Post-dated this afternoon

[Voice post, just after THIS]

Chou ma-niao!

Gorram Reavers! In the Castle. [His message is accentuated by the sound of two gun shots]

[Zoe, Wash, Mal, Kara – and yes, River]
Where the gorram hell are you?!

Nov. 14th, 2011


Because we all know who lost the bet...

Fay-fay duh pee-ye!

Right, fine. I'll get on this.

Zoe Washburne is better lookin' than me.

Happy Zoe?

Oct. 29th, 2011



Oct. 27th, 2011



Ai ya tian a!  Hao yun bu lai, huai yun bu jwo.

I'd just gotten used to my bunk on Serenity and sleeping next to my husband again, too.  Never thought I'd see the likes of this rock again, not sure I wanted to, either.

Anyone I know-  Who's still around?

Oct. 18th, 2011


What in tian xiao de--it's catching? Jayne, you better not have had anything to do with this!

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