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Mar. 14th, 2013


I am not particularly fond of the idea of returning to the University to resume my work after all the attacks. I realize it has been a few days since the attacks have stopped. Though being able to leave the castle again would be nice.

Though I am glad the members of the staff are back.

[Private to Julie]

I am glad you and your son are safe.

Mar. 10th, 2013


I...I don't even know what to say.

Darcy? I'm...I just... Where are you?

Duncan, Glenn, Olive, Helena, Elena... are you guys OK? Is everyone OK?

I'm in my room. Maybe it was just a dream. One long, very traumatic dream.

Mar. 8th, 2013


Hey, just checking in. I haven't.. heard from some people in awhile. Getting me worried. I can't deal with the idea of losing people not after Jeremy and just.. doing a friends check-in! Has.. anyone heard from Gwen? And Claudia, you're--I just want to make sure everyone is okay. Probably worrying for nothing, right?

Can't believe how crazy it's gotten here, this is.. yeah. Too much going on, don't want to deal with the thought of losing anyone.

character death/angst

edited after she finds out about Gwen )

Mar. 5th, 2013


Come on, bastards, let's go. I mowed a few down with my car getting to Elena at the University.

Now the real question - What the fuck are those things? If anyone calls me scary after seeing that shit, please. Even for them, it's harder to kill the undead. I was only missing a few hunks of flesh.

If anyone is stuck, let me know. I don't mind playing a little Death Race.

Feb. 22nd, 2013


I suspect it's a good thing I have requested cooking lessons, as it appears as though the staff refuses to cook meals now... And I do not believe I can live off fruit and yogurt for however long this is going to last.


Well, how about that. Fall asleep in one hell hole, wake up in another. Good thing I don't care, otherwise this would be a drag.

So, who can tell me the need-to-knows about this place, especially where a girl can have some fun? I'd ask someone, but my appetite just keeps getting in the way. Tsk tsk.

(ooc: i probably should have left this note before, ha. elena's AU is that she is a vampire. she had her humanity switched off by damon, because she just lost her brother and couldn't bear the grief. so, she's been eating the locals and wiping the memories of it, so expect an increase in weird 'animal attacks'.)

Feb. 13th, 2013


Here's my public service announcement.

I am a vampire. I miss blood from the vein. Now, I know better than to do that here, and I have tapped the blood bank for my supply, but I miss regular feeding. Any vampire who says they don't prefer a vein is lying their ass off. Luckily, I also have control.

Carry on.


God, I thought my day couldn't get worse from half the crap that's been coming out of my mouth, but now I'm seeing guys who were girls and vice versa and I'm just wondering why everyone's day is going to hell. How do these things even happen here? Whoever or whatever brought us here has to be seriously bored. This just in? Messing with who people are and their free will? It's not funny.

It's making me miss home and that's everything I don't want to go through, not that way.

Is everyone okay? Damon, you were a guy when I left this morning, please tell me you still are.. Claudia, Rachel, Gwen--you're all okay, too, right?

Feb. 6th, 2013


It seems like there are lots of shenanigans going on around here lately!

It also seems like this occasion calls for rum.

Who is with me?

Also, I may need a different job. Any suggestions?

Jan. 27th, 2013


I'm gonna be straight with you all, I think this net thing is a waste of time and energy. Can't say I can see myself really using this thing in the future.

But, as lovely as it has been to stalk everyone and read posts without really commenting, I thought maybe I'd come on to attempt to be all friendly and whatnot. So here it goes.

I'm Faith Lehane. I don't live in that fancy-shmancy castle like most of you. For some fucking reason the gods of make believe decided to throw my ass in the alley behind a dumpster. Such a nice welcome. And everyone wonders why I'm the rogue one?

If you need anything, hesitate to call. Unless of course you're calling 'cause your paying for the next round. Otherwise I'm considering this an all expense not paid vacation from the slaying gig. Of course I'm never against killing vamps and other creatures. So if you really need it, fine. Otherwise I'm not the girl you call when your idiot cat gets stuck in a tree.

Always a pleasure, folks.

Jan. 16th, 2013


So I was at work today, and this guy comes in and comes up to me, slamming his fishing rod down on the counter, and wanting to know why, when he paid blah blah blah for the rod, he couldn't catch any fish. So I start talking to him, trying to find out what he's doing wrong, and it turns out he's fishing in knee deep water, in the middle of the day, with just a hook. No lure. No worm.

Apparently he'd seen it done in some movie.

Now, granted. You can fish in knee deep water. Sometimes it's even best. But with a fly rod. And you still have to have some sort of bait or lure. Fish might not be the brightest bulbs in the ocean, but they're not particularly attracted to the smell of sharp metal. Go figure, right?

Are people really that stupid? Or is this guy - please - an exception?

If I hadn't given up drinking a long time ago, I could really use a drink tonight.


So. Those of you who come from worlds with vampires, zombies, ghosts, ghouls - you know, undead things of all varieties, I have a question.

See, my dad is the Lord of the Dead. Hades. God of the Underworld, and like a million other titles. Which gives me certain powers too, being his son. Terrakinesis was the first one I discovered, when I was ten. Meaning of course, that I can move the earth, splitting it open if need be. But that's not what I'm talking about here. What I mean is that I have the ability to control certain kinds of Undead creatures. Ghosts and Lares have to obey me (I'm called the Ghost King for a reason). I can raise skeleton armies. Furies have to obey my every whim. I can summon the dead, control them, make them do my bidding.

So I guess my question is...does that work here? Would it work on the undead here? (Are here any undead here?) I know I can shadow travel here, but only within the confines of the Land of Make Believe, whereas at home I can go anywhere on earth. So I'm just wondering.

Jan. 8th, 2013


It's a new year, time to celebrate with a new house. I assume it works the same way it does where we come from. Has anyone bought one here yet?


In 13 days I will officially be Professor Myka Bering. It's all a little surreal as I never saw my life heading in this direction...

Jan. 3rd, 2013


( Private )
And again, and again, and again... I can't help but to wonder everyday, 'Who's next?' It's weird though. This time it's not so sad. Maybe because she knew a different me? I'm not.. a vampire. I'm not that Elena she knew. So hard to process. I don't even know. I should put these thoughts down somewhere else.

( Public )
I hope everyone had a great new years. I made a resolution for once. Haven't done that in awhile. Kind of a secret one though. Did anyone else make interesting ones? Please, distract me.

Dec. 28th, 2012


I did forget to mention that someone left a sausage and cheese set on the table. Either Santa ran out of coal, or I'm not that bad.

Dec. 27th, 2012


Filtered away from Julie Stark.

I am slightly confused.

I need wine. Or alcohol. Or something.

Dec. 26th, 2012


I'm a dad!

Mom and baby are doing great.

Dec. 25th, 2012


Well, Santa was very gracious to me this year. He got me a basket of fruit, knowing that I'm vegan and everything. I love the arrangement its so pretty!

Alright, time to pass out gifts, I really hope that you guys like what you get.

(ooc: Rachel just put the gifts by their doors, hopefully nobody took them...but it would have their names on the package....except for Kurt, she physically came by to see his face as he opened his gifts from her)

Kurt )

Elena )

Damon )

Sam )

Castiel )

Jo )

Dean )

Andy )

Nico )

Dec. 21st, 2012


Wow, so... has anyone kissed/been kissed by a total stranger lately? Because that's... weird. Can I go back to making things sparkle? I really don't like the idea of my free will being taken away like that, holiday season or not...

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