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Sep. 7th, 2011


I've heard there's a city just a hop skip and jump away from here.

As I have $100 burning a hole in my pocket, seasoned citizens of New Creandi (Creandites? Creanditians? Creandiese?): are there any points of interest or nifty places to poke around at?

Aug. 26th, 2011


Having a muggle body isn't all that bad. Aside from having to do things without magic. I don't like having someone elses face though. I look in the mirror now and feel like I've started to lose a bit of my own identity. It sounds childish but I miss my face very much.

Sam, I was wondering if you'd come over and help me with something when you have a moment. Or if I could come over. I need my magic.

Aug. 20th, 2011


this shit ain't funny no more. I AIN'T NO GIRL AND I DON'T WANT TO BE NO GIRL!

that said, whoever's body this is looks like she thinks real high of herself. just so we're real clear on it, i ain't gonna put no hair crap on and i ain't gonna figure out how to put on no bullshit makeup.

someone fix this. now.


This is unacceptable.


Well this is weird. I mean, I'm still a girl so it's not too weird, but it's someone else's body, so it pretty weird. And I'm short! I haven't been this short since seventh grade. I'm a good five inches shorter then normal. Most of my skirts are touching my knees now instead of above them. It's a good thing I have an assortment of heels to atleast make up the height that way.

So, who has my body then?


This is so not cool. I don't even know how...

I know Andy's okay and Cas...isn't.

Dean? Jo? I think dinner will have to wait. Kelios? Are you all right?

Aug. 17th, 2011


I can't believe I'm doing this so that people I don't even know can see it, but I have to say that I'm in love with Silvertongue's wife. Not how I love Roxanne, not even close. But she's there in Capricorn's village and she's good to me and I... do love her. That's not why I didn't let Silvertongue where she was, though. I swear it wasn't. It's just that, if he knew she was there he might not care that she hadn't been read out properly and just take her back and not bother to read me back to Roxanne.

I miss Roxanne beyond words. Beyond reason. Beyond sanity. Gwin's important to me, but I wouldn't even think twice about sacrificing him if I could have her back.

I'm sorry, Gwin, but I would.

I don't dislike it here, and I'm happy that I can show off a little with my skills. Even if it wasn't necessary to earn money I'd do it, just to focus my mind elsewhere, and to cheer people up in whatever little way I could.

But I'd sell each and every one of you down the river to go home to Roxanne. I feel no malice, and I hope you understand, but she's my heart, my happiness, my future and my life.

Aug. 14th, 2011


Anyone out there?


I feel sick. And empty. And I'd fallen in love with him. And never got to say it to him. Oh I sound like a right pathetic mess.

Ron...I'd really like it if you came over.

Jul. 31st, 2011


Would someone explain what exactly this whole Shark Week thing is about and why there needs to be a whole week dedicated to bloody sharks?

Today was Harry's birthday. Wish he'd been here so I wouldn't have had to sit around my flat all afternoon.

Jul. 23rd, 2011


This week has been extremely unsettling. I think I'm staying up later at night in hopes to avoid dreaming at all now. Has anyone figured out how to get out of these dreams more directly then just waiting for them to end?

Can you come over? If you have time, that is.

Jul. 9th, 2011


It's sad how quickly people come and go here.

Ron, if you'd like to come over, I've made tea. I figured you could use a cup or two.

Jul. 6th, 2011


I've misplaced my shoes. At least I think I have. They're not here. I don't think they walked off by themselves. That'd just be silly.

If you happen to find a pair of purple sandals, please let me know.

Jun. 21st, 2011


I can't taste anything! Everything tastes exactly the same! How am I supposed to enjoy meals if I can't taste them?

Jun. 18th, 2011


It's nice to be able to see again. I can't say I liked living without it. Makes you certainly appreciate it more. I'm glad I was able to keep my sense of smell though, it made it much easier to tell if things in the refrigerator were close to spoiling.

Rolf, thank you for helping me.

May. 30th, 2011


Filtered to HP Peeps

Has anyone seen Hermione? I went by her room and she wasn't there. I need to talk to her and I can't find her.

May. 29th, 2011


What a funny place! At first I thought perhaps I was back at Hogwarts and this was a lucid dream (and maybe it still is and maybe our whole existence is just one long dream?) because when I stepped out into the hall it was covered in the most familiar decorations! Green and Silver! Did Slytherin win the house cup?? But how odd that I, a Ravenclaw, would dream such a thing!

Then it occurred to me that perhaps this was no dream as I found this funny little muggle device near my bedside table and a scroll that seemed apt in explaining this place as best as it could.

It does not explain where Luna went off to, however, as I woke up alone. It also does not explain why I awoke to nightfall when I don't care to sleep through the whole day very much.

I wonder if Luna even came with me, and for that matter who took me if this was a matter of taking? And what sort of place collects people other than a museum of people? Maybe this is real life and the life before this was all a strange dream I've been having for years and..

Don't mind me, just thinking out loud! This is such a delightful piece of technology! Muggles are so very inventive, aren't they? I suppose this contacts others collected here, as well? Anyone I know?

May. 15th, 2011


Oh my. This is not good at all. I cannot in good conscience put buttons on anything again. At least for a while.

May. 6th, 2011


Anyone got any itching salve? The little brat's been playing about in some poison itch grass and he's wound up with a rash clear up his arms.

Apr. 19th, 2011


I went up on the roof today to get a better look at the dragons. It's a pity I can't find where they nest yet. I'd very much like to document them as they're a species I've never seen before. Especially the bright green one as it looks nothing like a common Welsh.

And Jayne, I have a favor to ask of you.

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