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Feb. 15th, 2014


[Audio; locked to Siri]

[backdated to February 14th.]

There's an Earth festival today. I need to talk to you about it.

Feb. 13th, 2014


[Filtered to Obi-Wan]
Did you figure out this holiday on your own this time?

[Filtered to Padmé]
I have tomorrow off. I want to spend it with you and the babies.

[Filtered to Ahsoka]
You can have tomorrow off from training.

Jan. 20th, 2014


[Anakin is right age again... for the time being.]

I believe I owe everyone an apology for what I was the past few days. I'm sorry I was like that. Is- I think my memory is complete Did I hurt anyone?

[Private to Helena - he doesn't know what you are right now, darling]
Padmé and the triplets are not in our rooms. I think they are in the city. Do you know where they went?

Master, I am so sorry.

I'm not dangerous anymore, Padmé. I'm sorry about that. Are you okay? Where are you

Dec. 29th, 2013


Who's ready to ring in the New Year? I know that I am! Thinking about having a party, lots of music, food, dancing, and a lot of decorations. Anybody interested?

Dec. 28th, 2013


[Voice;Locked to Siri;takes place after shopping with Anakin]

[What she'll feel most overwhelmingly is that he's upset. Incredibly upset. His voice wavers slightly when he speaks. There's background noise. He hasn't gone back to the castle to call her, he's just walked around the corner from the diner so Anakin doesn't run across him on his way home. He's standing in the street, his back to the brick wall of a building.]

Siri? Where are you?

Dec. 22nd, 2013


[Voice; Private to HG Wells]

Miss Wells. I would like to invite Helena to some sort of small seasonal event with Anakin, but I'm not sure what that would involve, as I'm not very familiar with the season. Is that the sort of thing people do?

Dec. 19th, 2013


[two locked messages]

[Locked to Ani]

Anakin, what do you want for your present for this festival?

[Locked to Siri]

What sort of present would you like?


Leia just turned her head all on her own for the first time!

[Video attachment (aka pretend there's a video)]

She's the first of the triplets to do it. I imagine the other two won't be too far behind.

[Private to the SW cast]

I know Christmas isn't a holiday we celebrate normally but I think we should make an exception this year. We should all gather on the morning of the twenty-fifth and exchange gifts. I'll even see about getting a tree put in our room for the event and I'll make breakfast.

[Sorry Jedi, someone's had a candy cane (or two) and is feeling exceptionally cheery right now.]

Dec. 9th, 2013


[Video; Locked to Siri]

They're clearing the whole wing. Where are you moving to?

Nov. 6th, 2013


To the SW crew + H G Wells and Elizabeth

I'm assuming everyone got the same message. What do you think it means?

Oct. 22nd, 2013


Filtered to the SW crew + Helena (because she is one of his besties)

OOC NOTE: This was backdated to Sunday evening, just because we all know Anakin wouldn't wait days to give the news.

Padmé is back.

And I need assistance with buying more cribs.

Oct. 5th, 2013


Well, last night was certainly interesting at work. I don't think I've had people grab my butt before, I know they were drunk and everything. But still....have some courtesy! I'm not a piece of meat.

Sep. 30th, 2013


'Kay. So, it's really killing me not to make any movie references over what's going on right now 'cause I'm pretty sure no one would appreciate it, but... I can't be the only one who's dying to go outside and do a little rendish of Supercalinotgonnatrytospellthisever, right?

Well, just humming 'cause. I've been stuck in a musical sorta shtick before and not looking to do that ever again.

Sep. 27th, 2013


How long is this going to last?

[The Star Wars peeps and HG, Claudia, Elizabeth, and Genevieve*.]
I don't know what is the right question to ask right now, so I'll go with a standard 'is everyone okay'?

*OOO: I think I got everyone that falls under Anakin's 'friends and family'. It's late, I'm tried, if you think I missed someone ping me please! Also - apparently Anakin makes friends more readily with women than men. Huh.

Sep. 24th, 2013


[Filtered to Anakin]

Anakin, I'd like to set up our first group training session for Saturday. Are you free?

Sep. 22nd, 2013


Alright, I suppose I should be looking for employment since there is no war to fight here.

Filtered to Anakin Sr )

Filtered to Obi-Wan and Siri )

Sep. 14th, 2013


[Filtered to: Claudia, Anakin, Padmé, Elena, and the Doctor]

On the 21st is Helena's birthday. You're all invited to have dinner with her on Sunday, September 22nd at [Location of Italian Restaurant Helena Picked]. Our reservation is for 6:30 pm. Let me know if you will be attending.


[Filtered to: Obi-Wan and Ickle Ani]

Young Helena's birthday is on the 21st. That day we (me, Claudia, and Helena Sr.) will be taking Helena to the Science Museum. You are both invited to come with.


Sep. 9th, 2013


Training [Locked to the Jedi]

Filtered to Anakin, Ani, Siri, Mara and Ahsoka. )

Sep. 3rd, 2013


You have got to be kriffing kidding me. I just got over the last round of Seal-created strange. And really, the Land of Make Believe?

Aug. 31st, 2013


So, after much consideration, I've decided I'm cranky with the two gifts this place has given me. Hi, late to the party. How come I got all the semi-depressing nostalgia goodies?

Totally lame. Wasn't just me that got heart strings plucked, right? Right?

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