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Sep. 23rd, 2013


Run out of things to say that are good. Uh.

Classes are... keeping me distracted? Really glad I have a dog and a good roommate?

They say it's good to say a positive thing everyday, right? Yeah. There you go.

Aug. 24th, 2013


I don't know how but my photo album is here, it's got all of the pictures from when Sophia was little...

I think this might be the best present I could have been given here.

Aug. 21st, 2013


There are walkers on my TV...

Aug. 20th, 2013



Hey! Talked to Michonne. She's down for the beach. When do you wanna go? Think we should rent a car though, 'cause my piece of junk won't fit all of us.. if everyone else is goin'?


Almost can't believe how great things are! Definitely not.. going to question it though. But, see? I came up for air (I know you're all thinking it). How are things? I miss anything?

Aug. 7th, 2013




Aug. 6th, 2013


What in the hell Hello? Someone mind explaining just what exactly is going on around here?

Jul. 23rd, 2013


To add to the already chaotic barrage of confusion, I am not myself.

Whoever is in possession of a tall, dark skinned female body with dreadlocks, if you damage me there will be hell to pay. Whoever is the owner of a young, red haired body, are you allergic to anything?

[Filtered to Prison Group]

I am fine. Physically. I think.

I plan to stay in my room. Unless otherwise needed.

Glenn, I don't think the job search is happening until I'm in my own body again.

I'm struggling to cope with this ones centre of gravity.

Jul. 22nd, 2013


...does stuff like this happen a lot or just sometimes...? Because maybe this really is about the Seal and you guys just don't know it yet because Lucifer hasn't started talking to people on the internet, yet

Jul. 20th, 2013


Thanks for coming with me, again, Beth. Found a cool dog at the shelter, thought we had a connection. What's she go and do?

Bonds with Daryl instead. So much for man's best friend! Or is she trying to tell me something? Look at this.

Picture! )

Anyway, heard she wasn't taken care of at all. Dog's been through some rough times, didn't even have a name. So, say hi to Kimchi. Can call her Kim for short, I guess. Uhh.. Michonne, if she leaves any surprises, leave it to me, okay? Sorry about that in advance.

Jul. 11th, 2013


Still feels weird. Not having a roommate, I mean. Think I'm gonna get my own dog. I miss Bro. Makes me nervous when things are quiet. Guess I could leave a video game on if I.. had a console. Should probably crack and go buy some. Portal is calling my name. Just sits there looking at me.

Oh yeah. Got an appointment with an advisor at the university, maybe I'll uh. Go be smart again. Got some stereotypes I'm slacking off on!

Jul. 9th, 2013


Just wanted to say thanks to eveyrone who helped and came to the barbeque the other day. It was real nice to get together to do something like that since, well, a really long time. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves.

Lil D

Did you enjoy yourself? Sorry I didn't have much time to go ask you then. You looked to be pretty content with your friends.

Also heard you liked my ribs.

Jul. 6th, 2013


So... I guess I need to check my Dramamine prescription again. I don't remember anything about my flight. Or getting this new phone. When did the ruble change to English?

Man, this is a nice hotel.

Jul. 2nd, 2013


I'm getting lists together of stuff for Thursday. The hardest one is music playlists; I've got a bunch of my favorites ready, but send me suggestions! Nothing sad, please.

[Private to TWD crew, plus Ickle Daryl and Ickle Rick]

Just letting you guys know.
Katniss is moving in with me. Her roommate got sent back and I offered.

Jun. 22nd, 2013


are there gonna be fireworks on the 4th? be reelly cool

Jun. 20th, 2013


Huh. Just like that.

My roommate, Duncan, he's gone.
...really blows.

Jun. 19th, 2013


SO, big thank you to the people who made my birthday special. Even if it was the last day the power was out, chilling was pretty fun. And now, I have "Punk in a Can "and an action figure of myself, among other things. I think I've used my iPod more than ever in the past week or so, of course, but that's kind of a given with me.

Jun. 18th, 2013


Filtered to Daryl, Rick, and Glenn

I think that we need to have a talk about Beth.

There are worse things she could do, but I found a six pack of beer that she left outside of Daryl's room for him today. I don't know how she got it. Or if someone sold to a minor, but either way... I know that she's too young to buy alcohol though. And it just seems like something she shouldn't be doing at this age.

I guess I'm just wondering if we should say or do anything? It's up to us to look after her since her daddy isn't here. Thoughts?

Jun. 14th, 2013


I think I got used to no-lights again. About blinded myself in the bathroom this morning, but hey! Hot showers! Makes this offer to work the over-night camping thing tomorrow hard to decide on, but I think I'm still going. Not like I'm not used to roughing it

[Filtered to Glenn]
Your mission, if you choose to accept it: teach me how to play some of your video games.

[Filtered to Rick]
I know this is a long shot, but I don't suppose anyone with a gunshot wound to the shoulder and a pair of sore genitals was brought into jail this week, have they? Also, I think Lil'You and Lil'D had a lot of fun today. Seriously, you need to come back and sleep for three days.

[Filtered to Daryl]
Are you done being pissy?

Jun. 12th, 2013


Gwen is gone. Returned texts, empty room, possessions gone. Even her unicorn sprinkle dispenser.

Jun. 8th, 2013


Private to Bruce Banner )

Private to Tony Stark )

My mini freezer stayed frozen overnight because I didn't open it, but it's not going to last very long. A freezer full of Ben & Jerry's isn't an essential past my mental health, so it's unplugged and likely to turn into a mess if not eaten.

Impromptu ice cream party, bring your own bowls and spoons to E26. I have "Americone Dream," "Cannoli," "Coffee, Coffee, BuzzBuzzBuzz!," and "S'mores."

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