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Aug. 17th, 2013


Aside from the strange happenings here, is this place much like Earth was is?

Aug. 16th, 2013


Filtered to Anna

Hey. How are you doing?


I must have gone mad. Really! Imagine that. Me? Mad. Perhaps I already was! Must have been to end up in a place like this. Is that dragon real or is it an LED screen? Not a spoiler, I wager, what with this being the year 2013. Have those already, don't you? But no, no. Already know the answer to that myself, so no need to answer that. Skipping right to the point, because you lot voice your thoughts so clearly on this device and I am so very clever, I understand the basics and whatnots and rules.

So, skip all that above and read only this: Hello! The Doctor is in.

..and is that a dog I hear?

Aug. 9th, 2013


Guess I should get used to this. Not sure how, though. Not really used to strange things happening without trouble behind them. And Tifa's Does it happen a lot? People coming here from different times? Do you tell each other what happened? Is that ... okay?

Aug. 8th, 2013


I haven't really posted much on this thing, but I figured that I should. I mean I've talked to Rachel and stuff, but I haven't talked to a lot of other people.

So, hi! I'm Mia Thermopolis. And I think I've finally gotten settled in and used to this whole...magic brought me to another world thing. That's good, right?

I got a job and some clothes and this isn't so bad, being here without my mom or grandma.

So, if anyone likes or is interested in rock climbing, and wants to learn, I got a job at Climb Time. It's great, they have wonderful rock walls that I'm itching to climb already! Just ask for Mia, please? I'd really appreciate it.

Aug. 7th, 2013


So this isn't even close to how I expected my night to end. Given recent events, I guess I'll take it.

Um, hi?

Aug. 4th, 2013


Humans Some people on Youtube have too much time on their hands...

[Filtered to Jeremy, Oliver, Elena, Rach, and Hermione]
What the heck?! I can't stop laughing...Sebastian would have a fit!

...sorry, it's kind of awkward just coming out and saying "hi, I'm the Little Mermaid," (even if I have a feeling you might've already figured it out) so... Oh, also, Nate sent the clothes he had for Rachel's body to the washer but he said I can have them when they get back, so as soon as I get those, I'll get yours cleaned and then you can have them back, okay? I really appreciate it, again.

Aug. 3rd, 2013


Pete is excited giffery. )

I want to shout a million cliches from the roof for having my face back! Thank you, Saturday!

RED. To the celebratory Froyo!



I dreamt about Anna. I don't want to dream about her anymore. She's gone and I shouldn't be

Anyone want to do something tonight? Something fun? I don't really know what's to do that's fun around here yet, but I don't want to think about anything right now.

Aug. 1st, 2013


This is ...

... is it real?


Well...Zeus is sold...I can dig it here. I can definitely get used to this place.

How're ya feelin' today, tough guy? Well enough you might wanna come down to the lake with us?

Jul. 27th, 2013


Shouldn't let creepy customers spark my curiosity. After hearing so much about this Google thing though...

Can someone tell me why this happens? I don't know if I want to understand, but I need to.

Confusing. )

And who on Gaia are these people dressing like me, drawing me.. in ways I would never be?

Jul. 24th, 2013



Hey. How are you doing?


I didn't think things would ever start looking up that much here, but they definitely have. The best little brother ever showed up again to stay this time, I hope. Still kind of can't believe it. Now to think of the million different ways to embarrass him around everyone...

But, um.. I'm sorry for everyone that's stuck in a body that's not theirs. Don't mean to rub my happiness in anyone's face. It's just been a long time since I really felt better. I hope you all get changed back soon.

Jul. 22nd, 2013


Filtered to Ariel

Hey, are you okay?

I can hear you pacing.



Okay, someone tell me how I woke up brunette and half a foot shorter.

Quickly, please.


Somebody else apparently has my body... This place is fuc Um. Blond, 5'4", seventeen years old. Anybody? Please don't be a pervert


Where is my face?! I had it last night now I lost it. Am I a Harry Potter character?! AM I SNAPE?! I took a quiz once, I was definitely sorted to Gryffindor! What is this?!


Will the fake Peter Parker please stand up? (I've always wanted to say that. Really.)


Text to Elena

>> You're still in your own body, right?
>> Please still be in your own body.


You woke up you, hopefully? Apparently a lot of people have somehow swapped bodies.

[info]onlythreedays Neville here, at least?
I don't even know why I should bother ask

I can't sleep. I'm really tired but I can't sleep, I hate it when this happens. Never used to when I was still a merm

[added shortly thereafter]

[Filtered to Jeremy]
I hope this works the same as ...are you awake?

Jul. 21st, 2013


So guess who's the newest employee (or, returned employee, however that works here?) at Skye's Quidditch Supplies?

I had some time this weekend and went in to speak with the owner. They wanted to know what had happened to me, and I'd just mentioned a long-needed holiday, something like that. But yeah, I'll be starting Monday there again!


What's -- I wasn't ready to cross over yet. I have people to look out for. My sister needs me and I need to make sure Bonnie is still I need to go back. How do I go back?

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