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Mar. 12th, 2011


I don't like this place. I'm lonely. I'm bored. The plush has really got to go. It is on my last nerve. I have never liked that much red in one place.

Has anyone been to the city? I haven't got out there yet. I am also not in any hurry to get a job. Do you think if I protest, they will send me home?

Al, what are you doing?

Mar. 5th, 2011


Am I still hungover? Someone go down to the kitchens and get me some coffee. NO ONE IS MAKING SENSE.

Mar. 4th, 2011


Sirius Orion Black, get your arse round to Lily's. NOW.


It's Friday.

Matty we are going out.

Sirius, are you still around, or did that redhead hex your ass off?

Ariadne, consider this your fair warning for tonight.

Feb. 23rd, 2011


I think there's a lesson to be learned here, kiddies. Just because there are no parents, teachers, cops, or other people in authority... i.e. THE MAN.... doesn't mean we can live in a state of chaos.

(Private to Hyde)
What was that rule about crazy women? Hhhm? And you laughed at me for not taking home a floozie from a bar.


Does anyone care to tell me why I woke up this morning in a strange room with a naked woman holding a knife over me, demanding to know if I'm Hyde's new whore?

Yusuf? Eames?


Sirius Black!

If you are going to bring random women home in the dead of night the least you could do for those trying to sleep in the surrounding rooms is put up a silencing charm. Yes, I heard you all through the wall.


Can we have a roll call here? There's so many of you on this network and I have no idea who you are. So let's pretend I'm offering virtual tea and scones (I have real ones too, now that I've found the kitchens), so let's do introductions!

I'll start. I'm Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus, and one of Artemis's Hunters.

Feb. 22nd, 2011


You know, it's way easier to flirt with cooks in a kitchen not run by house-elves or Lily. I've had three plates of chips and a bowl of ice cream this afternoon. And some bacon. Not all at once. That would be irresponsible and ridiculous.

I feel a bit sick, actually...


Take official note everyone, that cash does not replenish once it's all gone.

Well this bites.

[Private to Matty]
When you're through playing at Casanova we have to go find jobs.

Feb. 15th, 2011


Alright, my curiosity has finally overwhelmed me.

Dragons, who's up for trying to get closer.

Oo! Me!


I have read the note, but it wasn't very clear on much. I suppose... is there someone in charge? Are there classes? What's curfew? Does anyone really know what's going on? I'm wondering if my Dad is doing something to help me build character again?