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Sep. 11th, 2011


I wish we didn't have to go to school here. If we go home, I'll have to do it again. I am trying to work out a few shifts at the store after school for some money. I like it here. I'm happy to announce that I haven't seen the inside of a garbage can at all.

I wanted to thank everyone for stopping by the picnic last weekend. I liked meeting everyone and singing.

We found a great coffee shop on the way to school! Just thought I would throw that in.

Sep. 1st, 2011


I have to say it's going to be pretty nice coming home after work and not smelling like booze anymore. At least I a decent variety of clothing now at a discounted rate.

Serena, I'm afraid you'll be seeing more of me.


I can't believe it! I'm ME! I missed me! I can sing again! I feel great.

Thanks, Dr. Sweets!

I want to have that picnic this weekend. Ariadne, you have to come too. Serena, you too.

I have school. SCHOOL!?! Now what to wear.

Aug. 26th, 2011


Having a muggle body isn't all that bad. Aside from having to do things without magic. I don't like having someone elses face though. I look in the mirror now and feel like I've started to lose a bit of my own identity. It sounds childish but I miss my face very much.

Sam, I was wondering if you'd come over and help me with something when you have a moment. Or if I could come over. I need my magic.


I miss being me, even if I can freely experiment with nail colors, and hair. It's fun!

This has to be over when school starts, right?

I miss being able to sing. Blaine and I should start a glee club here or at school.

Aug. 25th, 2011


oh shi- oh chicago she returned

but shes OLDER ugh what a snot nosed little thing

gosh i was so cute at that age. at first she didnt believe i was me and thank you god for remembering secret handshakes from when you were ten

Aug. 23rd, 2011


As weird as this all is, I think I'm handling it pretty well. I mean atleast I'm not a guy or unable to stop telling the truth, so I'd say this is a win. It is a little weird, getting used to being shorter, but it's a good thing me and her seem to have almost the same size feet so I can make up for it with heels. I will say though that I keep getting thrown off a little cause I'm used to much longer hair.

I can only imagine how Blair would handle this, especially if she got a guy's body. That would probably be pretty amusing actually. I don't even want to think about what Chuck would do if he got a woman's body. Those are just not thoughts that I want.

Kurt, I'm going to be a little sad when you're a boy again cause I had fun the other night. ;) Then again, you can still do my hair even when you're a boy again and to be honest, I think you're better then some of the professional stylists I've been to.

Filtered to Sirius Black )


I don't know how anyone can be okay with this. I really really hoped that I'd wake up this morning and be me again.

Not that the body isn't attractive. At least, the face is... I can't look... down. It's just all wrong... it's not mine to look at...

I HATE showering because... well, see the above.

And I can't even keep her hair tidy for her. I have no idea how it's done.

PLEASE tell me I'm not the only one who feels like this? I've spent half my life saying I'm not a freak or a pervert... I'm not a freak, and I've never felt more like one than I do now.

And no. I'm NOT leaving my room and nobody can make me. Not until I'm back to normal. I can't even turn invisible. Actually, I probably could, but I'm having nothing to do with real magic.


Aug. 20th, 2011


Well this is weird. I mean, I'm still a girl so it's not too weird, but it's someone else's body, so it pretty weird. And I'm short! I haven't been this short since seventh grade. I'm a good five inches shorter then normal. Most of my skirts are touching my knees now instead of above them. It's a good thing I have an assortment of heels to atleast make up the height that way.

So, who has my body then?



I am dreaming. I am not looking in the mirror.

This is not real. There is no place like home. Click your heals together or something.

I look so wrong. I know I sing girl songs, and some have commented on certain outfits, but this is NOTNOTNOTNOT right.


I think I will be hiding today.

Aug. 18th, 2011


I feel loads better today. I thought I was losing my mind. Everything in my head was coming out. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, or scared anyone.

Kurt and Blaine, I am not a crazy stalker and I'm sorry I was a mad man. I wish you both the best.

Justin, you put up with so much from me, and you made my insanity better. You're perfect.

And yes, this is public, but it isn't such a grand confession. Everyone knows all this already. Maybe we can all relax for awhile.

Aug. 16th, 2011


It's strange, back home I couldn't choose between Nate or Dan, but I come here and almost right away I started falling for Sirius. He's so different from all the other guys I've gone out with. He's more like me and I think that's what both Nate and Dan were lacking. Don't get me wrong, I loved them both, but they couldn't keep up with me. Sirius though, sometimes I don't think I can keep up with him, but somehow I always manage to. Oh my god, why am I saying all this? I sound obsessed or something and I know he's not likely to commit any time soon and I know I'm not the only one, but he's been the only one for me since I arrived. I was so freaked out when I woke up here, but somehow once we started talking about the ghosts and I offered to educate him on Beetlejuice and Slimer and he offered to give me a tour of the castle....and the wine bottle; I have that wine bottle in my room...I really wish I could stop typing. Sirius, I'm so sorry. I hope this doesn't scare you away, because I really like you.

And Regulus, I'm so sorry about the other day. I really am. If I had realized...maybe I am just a stupid blond. You wouldn't be the first person to say that to me and I know sometimes I can be extremely naive, which makes me an easy target sometimes, especially for Gossip Girl, but I honestly had no idea the filter wasn't going to work and you're right even if I didn't mean it to come out sexual I should have just tried to text Sirius privately even though that still wouldn't have worked, but atleast it wouldn't have been on little Regulus' post.

I hadn't realized how much I missed Eric until I met Kurt. I don't know what it is about Kurt, but he reminds me of Eric and if anyone else from home was going to be brought here I'd want it to be him. Of course I miss Blair, but Eric is my brother and I just want to know that he's safe.

I'm gonna go shove this thing into the couch cushions now and go to bed.

Aug. 15th, 2011


Eames you stupid son of a bitch.

Daniel and Ariadne, Eames' job last night went south and he's bad. Really really bad. I found him in an alley. Ariadne I need you to come over and help me with him and make sure I don't leave tonight. I'm considering finding a blunt object and killing the dead men walking this evening.

If there's anyone that can heal, I need you.


Sirius Black, where are you?

Aug. 12th, 2011


What does frak mean? Does it mean to fight with someone?

Aug. 11th, 2011


This place isn't so bad. I have Blaine here and I know my dad would kill me but sharing a bed with him is a lot like singing.

We need to go to that store in the city. I am not working somewhere that sells imitation designer wear at a discount, and I am never resorting to The Gap.

I don't get the people who insist that they know me.

Aug. 9th, 2011


This is ridiculous. I guess should be thankful none of us are bursting into flames.

Aug. 5th, 2011


A hundred dollars isn't enough. I could get a pair of pants and two shirts but they are hardly worth wearing. You can't expect Marc Jacobs at those prices. We need more than that. I can spend a hundred dollars on skin and hair products alone.

Aug. 2nd, 2011


If there's one thing I can't stand more than Gossip Girl, it's ignorant people who think they know everything about you based off of one thing. Just because I have money doesn't mean I'm spoiled. I'm grateful for everything I've ever gotten and for everything my mother has done even when we haven't seen eye to eye. If you don't like what I've got to say then you can do a simple thing and not reply. It's that easy.

Jul. 31st, 2011


Oh wow. I just realized that I completely missed my own birthday. How does a person do that? I guess without Blair or Chuck around to say anything it just slipped my mind. My mom or someone else always plans the party so I never even have to think of it unless I'm asked my opinion on something for the party. For anyone wondering, I turned 20 on July 7th.

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