March 2014


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May. 25th, 2013


Those who dare abduct a Daughter of Asgard will taste my sword. Hark! Identify yourself now and mayhap I shall be merciful.

Or if you’re that stupid, let me spell it out for you: you’ve just kidnapped a really angry Asgardian, and don’t think I won’t Hulk Smash my way through this castle until I find a way home to my family. And if you don’t think that’s enough incentive, I have a war to fight and a world to liberate! I’m not going to be sitting around a castle eating grapes while my brothers are out there fighting robots. Just save everyone some trouble and some masonry and send me back, okay?

May. 13th, 2013


For those who knew her, Myka Bering was sent back home.

And there is the other shoe dropping
Of all the times, why now?
Not when Thursday is
I always lose
I can't handle this

May. 9th, 2013


I am recruiting for a pirate crew. So far, it consists of myself and Elizabeth Swann. And possibly Annie Cresta though I haven't asked her yet.


[Filtered to Annie Cresta]

Do you want to join my pirate crew?

Apr. 25th, 2013


I'm human again. That's a relief. And from what I can tell most others are too now. So, maybe things only happen in random events? Maybe it's not for entertainment purposes but actually experiments?

James )

Banner )


Voice Post

Not right. This isn't right. W-we weren't planetside.


[A pause]

Mal? Where is everyone?

Apr. 18th, 2013



Keep it together, Banner

I'm Dr. Bruce Banner. I would appreciate some answers. The ominous note was not entirely helpful, and while I have excellent calming breathing techniques, I can't keep it going forever.

Apr. 15th, 2013


So it looks like a few people got turned into the same thing. Did anyone else get turned into part fox?

[info]secondxbest I know I don't exactly have many fans out there. Especially those at the castle.

But can someone suck it up for one night and help me out? I need to get to a bigger body of water. Staying this fucking tub will grow old fast. And I know you castle people got a lake somewhere.

Any takers?




Judging by everyone else's reactions, I'm guessing I shouldn't be too shocked to suddenly look like I'm part fox...

Apr. 13th, 2013


Well, it's been over a week now. Guess I should start settling in for the long haul.

Kinda curious, and I bet this has been asked a dozen times before, but how many people actually like it here? I don't mind it, it's missing.. a lot of important things from home for me, but it's not the worst place to be stuck. I guess I'm asking mostly because I want to know how easy it is to put down roots here? If I'm gonna be here indefinitely, I want to make it as close to home as I can. Feels weird not working in a bar...

Apr. 2nd, 2013


What the heck? I've never heard of this place before. My PHS won't function, can anyone on this thing tell me how to get back to Edge? Please tell me I'm not on another planet. That would be too crazy!

Cloud? Barrett? Are you guys able to see this? It's Tifa, I could use a lift!

Mar. 27th, 2013


Helena, Myka, Little Helena

my mom's back and she doesn't remember being here

I know it shouldn't hurt but it does


Well, this is...confusing.

Anyone care to explain?


I have an announcement to make that may not come as a surprise to a few of you.

Myka and I are engaged to be married.

Mar. 23rd, 2013



Some days are better than others. The second time around isn't getting any easier. The process seems harder for some reason. Like it's getting dragged out. Punishing me for taking the steps back.

Is there an anti-drug for this? Anyone know if I can get some morphine for this?

Those Reavers.
I shouldn't have gotten so

Damn it!

I need a distraction. Someone give me a distraction. Distract me goddammit!

Mar. 18th, 2013


Helena and Myka

what's a good remedy for nightmares?

Mar. 10th, 2013


It's official. My brain has officially cracked.

I went to sleep in one of the decent hotels in Manhattan that wasn't knocked down to rubble and I woke up in a CASTLE. Either Loki left behind a hex that we didn't realize or...NOPE, I'm going with the hex. Nothing else makes sense.

And I can't BELIEVE that I'm entertaining the notion of magic.

Not that this castle room isn't nice and all, but it's not home. And it doesn't have Pepper. There a way for me to get home?


My back hurts. Helena, have you seen Sarge?

Mar. 5th, 2013


I don't know how many other people here knew him but...Clint Barton aka Hawkeye died yesterday when these bastards showed up.

Mar. 3rd, 2013


Ugh...yeah. That whole getting smashed to push out the dark prophetic dreams? Not a good idea.

Alright, people. We've cried wolf. Now listen up!

I want to start organizing everyone into groups based on skills. So comment below if:

- If you have combat/hand-to-hand/etc fighting skills
- If you have magic skills
- If you have weaponry skills
- If you have tech skills
- Or other abilities/skills you think will be helpful in protecting the castle from the Reavers

If you have any other skills I did not mention, speak up. I'm going to talk to B about breaking people up into groups. Some of the more fighting-like will be up on the front lines, rotating on patrol close to the castle. I don't give a shit about the locals. Sorry if that makes me sound heartless. The rest we'll need to work out to create more defenses.

Anyone sixteen and younger I'm going to require to stay in the castle. No bitching, no questions. Just fucking do it, kids.

If you have any other ideas of how to stop these things from getting into the castle, let me know.

If you live outside of the castle, raise your hand. I'm going to set something up on the castle grounds to live in. You're welcome to join me there.

Keep your eyes open, folks! If you see something, let us know. They could come any day now.


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