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Dec. 13th, 2011


Tama de hundan!

Where did all the damn Reavers go?!

OOC: Jayne wasn't a ghost while he was dead. And his mind, like always, is taking a moment to catch up with the facts of the situation.

Dec. 10th, 2011


Filtered to adults

I was thinking on having Ariadne and Arthur's funeral service on Monday evening. Neither of them were particularly religious so it won't be a church service, more of a memorial service. Basically, if anyone wants to say a few words about either Arthur or Ariadne, please let me know.

Arthur was US military. As far as I'm concerned, he died whilst on a mission. I'm not asking for someone to drag out a bugle and play Taps, but if anyone who is planning on attending is military as well (I don't really care which military, to be honest) I would appreciate it if we could manage a 21-gun salute for him.


We've had a rough few weeks. If anyone needs someone to talk to about any of this, or anything really, I'm a psychologist and my office is [HERE].

Private to Booth )

Dec. 7th, 2011


Now that this is all over...will someone teach me how to hunt fight and shoot? You know, just in case there's a next time.


What the hell is this? Some sort of weird VI construct? And why do I have this weird primitive datapad... thing? I'm sure as hell didn't fall asleep last night in a damn castle, so let me make this simple: I'd better get some goddamned answers, and I'd better get them quickly, or someone's gonna wind up with broken bones until I do.

Dec. 5th, 2011


Very filtered away from the children

I have a couple of suggestions.

Should we consider all moving down into the dining room to sleep? It would be easier to heat one large room instead of lots of smaller rooms, and we would know where everyone is. On the downside, it would mean that if the wards are breached, we're all in one place.

I don't like this suggestion at all )

[OoC: Discussion of methods of death, potential discussion of mass-suicides for safety in comments]


Sudden thought, everyone.

If the power's not back on soon we'll all be going dark before long. Might it not be an idea to arrange group meetings or something, you know, just to keep everyone in touch. Say 11am every day until we're back in business.

Actually, might it not be an idea to arrange to sleep in groups? For safety, I mean. Some of us are alone in our rooms and with no phones it wouldn't be easy to call for help if it's needed.

Just a thought. Maybe.

Private message to Nathan Young and Alisha Bailey )

Nov. 29th, 2011


Blocked from happy meals

So, what's the bloody score already?
Tags: , ,

Nov. 28th, 2011


Anybody seen Thrace and Cobb? We were split up on the way back from this evening's run and I haven't heard from them since.

Nov. 26th, 2011


Anybody out there need any help?

Andy? Andy, you okay?

Nov. 22nd, 2011


Filtered against kids

Any other explosives experts want to give me a hand with something?


[Filtered to Adults only]

Anyone keeping up with the news lately?

Nov. 20th, 2011


They're here.

Nov. 16th, 2011


Pursuit driving added to the coursework this week.

Some of you will be happy to note I am capable of learning to keep my mouth shut. Just listened to the instructor before taking the automobile out on the course.

A police sedan is nowhere near the Quattroporte I am used to, but it was good to drive what passes for a high-performance vehicle again.

Haven't set any course records. Give me time.

Classroom work continues. And finally, more range time. Free ammunition is always a good thing, even if the Department does prefer the Glock. I have never been a fan of Combat Tupperware.

Nov. 13th, 2011


From what I've gathered, the future is built upon an empire of pornography and... was there more?

Nov. 11th, 2011


Does the library contain books explaining aspects of everyone's home realities, or just a selected few?

Nov. 8th, 2011


Dropped by the Satin Lounge out of curiosity. Has the look of a gas leak explosion.

Of course, nobody would let me into the actual site, so I couldn't say if it was an arranged gas leak explosion or not.

Either way, a most unhappy situation.

Nov. 5th, 2011



Seems to be the popular thing to do around here, so- what's the job suggestion for an ex-criminal smuggler soldier?

Nov. 4th, 2011


Who the hell do I have to shag to get some good music around here? Lady Gaga and Rihanna, my arse. Ramones and the Pistols are the real deal. And television-wise, how about some Passions? Stupid Angel, always changing the channel on me Hand a guy a bone here, okay?

Nov. 3rd, 2011


Next time, close the curtains. I doubt burnt flesh is the kind of air freshener you buggers go for around here.

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