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Mar. 10th, 2013



Ok, so I am constantly having to remind myself that this isn't a dream. Abby insists that this is real. But if this was a dream she would probably insist that this is a dream so I need someone to tell me this isn't a dream. I wish it were.

It is disorienting enough to wake up in a strange castle in The Land of Make Believe but now I also have to somehow accept that I am dead in my world and have been for quite some time. Even if I get to go there a place for me to back to... I don't know. For now I am just going to hope and pray that I stay alive here. Maybe I should just accept that this is my home now and get the lay of the land?

With that said-Can anyone point me in the direction of someone in charge? Local law enforcement? Is there a president or a governor...something?


It's official. My brain has officially cracked.

I went to sleep in one of the decent hotels in Manhattan that wasn't knocked down to rubble and I woke up in a CASTLE. Either Loki left behind a hex that we didn't realize or...NOPE, I'm going with the hex. Nothing else makes sense.

And I can't BELIEVE that I'm entertaining the notion of magic.

Not that this castle room isn't nice and all, but it's not home. And it doesn't have Pepper. There a way for me to get home?


Last thing I remember was
Never want a repeat of that

Time for a really long hot shower. Feel like I need it badly.

Feb. 11th, 2013


So, I'm...kind of just wondering.

Is there anyone here who isn't afraid of death?

I think that's why people find me creepy. Because I remind them of death.

Feb. 4th, 2013


Seems like there's quite a bit of castle shenanigans going on. And these damn tribble things are annoying as hell.

Jan. 30th, 2013


Filtered from James

She can't be
If she goes back then
Oh god James

She's gone. Natasha's been sent back.

I have no right to ask this of you but...I don't...I have no idea how to tell James his mother's gone.

Jan. 20th, 2013


To those who were concerned:

James is still very ill, but he's beginning to be able to eat light food. I'd like to ask you all to continue to let him rest, so that he can heal.


I hope I'm doing the right things here...Helena's been helping, but I still worry.

Jan. 13th, 2013


You know, I'm not sure what it is about being a father that makes you re-evaluate everything that's ever happened in your life. These past few weeks, I've been laying in bed, unable to sleep, thinking back over my life. And it hasn't really been a good one. I've seen - and done - so many terrible things. And I can't help wondering...

How do I explain these things to Aidan?

When he's old enough to ask questions, how do I explain to him that his dad's killed more than a dozen people, for the sake of entertainment? How can I explain Panem accurately to someone who's never had to live there, who doesn't understand what the Capitol can do?

And the other things. The things the Capitol did to me after I won. Obviously I can't tell him those things until he's an adult. But should I tell him at all? Is that something he needs to know? Or will he just think badly of me?

There are so many things in my past that I'm not proud of. But I can't just avoid them. I don't want Aidan to find these things out some other way.

I don't know. It's late. I should probably sleep. I just...I'm terrified. I'm terrified that my son will grow up to hate me when he hears what I've done. And I don't want it to be like that.

Jan. 3rd, 2013


Happy New Year, everyone!

For the first time in a long time, I'm going into a New Year filled with hope. Annie's here. We have Aidan. We're not in Panem. These are all things to be grateful for. It's always been hard for me to keep my mind on the positive aspects of my life (usually because there haven't been many), but I think that's what I'm going to try to do this year. Stay positive. Try to be a good father to my son and a good husband to Annie. I'll never forget the things that happened to me in Panem, but maybe I can move far enough past them that they aren't quite so crippling.

And in happier news - I'd like to invite everyone to, well, I guess it's best to call it Aidan's welcome party. Annie didn't have a shower, and we knew everyone would want to meet the baby, so we're going to be throwing a party. Kurt's graciously volunteered to organize it all, so check with him for the time and date and details. But Annie, Aidan and I look forward to seeing you all there.

Dec. 29th, 2012


Um... so I just wanted to say thank you, to everyone, for the messages and - and things. They were all really lovely. it was very sweet of you.

We're all doing okay here -  I think they'll let us come home today or tomorrow, maybe, so... I'll see you all soon, I suppose.

Dec. 26th, 2012


I'm a dad!

Mom and baby are doing great.

Dec. 25th, 2012


Merry Christmas everyone!

You still have a gift to unwrap in our room Tasha.

Dec. 17th, 2012


I just...

Can we not... can no'one do anything about the - the lights? please?


Dec. 15th, 2012


I  - I don't really like to complain but, I mean... i'm sort of ready to not be pregnant any more


I like the snow, though.

Dec. 14th, 2012


I think I am going to try teaching myself how to play the piano. Mom was giving me lessons when I was little, but then I stopped playing. I need something to fill the time.

I'm not doing too well with the Christmas songs this year. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas sounds sad. Then I end up favoring Snow Patrol, which isn't Christmas at all. Can I just sleep through the holidays?

i'm sorry for being whiny.

Dec. 8th, 2012


So, check one off the list. Got a job. I can't wait to wake up from this dream and be really impressed by how elaborate it is. Keep telling yourself that, Glenn. You'll see Maggie and the others soon. Next up, superhero texting. Maybe. Need some more time to cool down the fanboy meter. After that, what should actually be next, is booze. I haven't had a good, cold beer in.. probably a year. Any dream denizens want to join me somewhere?

Dec. 6th, 2012


When - I mean, when do people start getting the trees with the lights for Christmas?

I think... I just think they just look really pretty.

Dec. 3rd, 2012


So glad I didn't get whammied with what's going on.

Nov. 21st, 2012



Nat, this is how I will be cooking our Thanksgiving turkey.

Nov. 19th, 2012


So, I can't decide.

I think we're pretty much going to go with a comic/superhero theme in the kid's room because OMG IT'S ALL SO CUTE but I can't decide between DC or Marvel. Or a mix of both, though I'm not sure how well that'd work out.

Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions?

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