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Oct. 8th, 2013


Elena Gilbert is gone. All of her stuff, her cat, etc. As the curse of going home roommates continues.

Oct. 5th, 2013


Well, last night was certainly interesting at work. I don't think I've had people grab my butt before, I know they were drunk and everything. But still....have some courtesy! I'm not a piece of meat.

Oct. 1st, 2013


At least that did not last long. I'm glad to be back to myself once again.

Sep. 29th, 2013


Oh my, I'm a Cartoon Character? I look really weird, but you know I think I can have fun with this. So who else got turned? Or did everybody just get turned into a cartoon?

Sep. 25th, 2013


People disappeared again. Maybe I haven't been paying enough attention, but I thought it had eased up a little. I don't know...

Is everyone still around okay..?

Sep. 22nd, 2013


Classes are going pretty smoothly. Though I need a lot of work on my ballroom dancing still. But I am getting better. Looks like more time in the studio after classes for a while.

Sep. 23rd, 2013


Run out of things to say that are good. Uh.

Classes are... keeping me distracted? Really glad I have a dog and a good roommate?

They say it's good to say a positive thing everyday, right? Yeah. There you go.

Sep. 14th, 2013


West Castlevalley Hospital has offerd me a position in their Emergency Department. I like you all very much so far, so I don't want to see you at work unless you're bringing me dinner and dessert. Understand?

Sep. 13th, 2013


I don't suppose anyone might know of a good place to find a sturdy, moderately-sized workbench? Just looking for something that will fit comfortably in one of the castle bedrooms.

Finding one seems like it will be the easy part. Toting it back should be interesting.

Sep. 12th, 2013


I can't believe that Rachel is gone. We had so much fun together, she will truly be missed. Now who's going to randomly break out into song with me and have epic karaoke parties with me?

Sep. 11th, 2013


This... is maybe a dumb question, I think. But could someone tell me what Halloween is? The vacant shopping center down the block from my work is a "Halloween Superstore" now and I don't really get it.

Sep. 8th, 2013


And my sister.

Why not me?
Please bring them back. Whatever- whoever is doing this...


I think Rachel Dare is gone. Her phone isn't working anymore.

Sep. 3rd, 2013


Since I've got Blue here, I thought I might go back to making deliveries. Might not be as much demand here as back home, I guess, but it's a pretty easy business to set up, and I enjoy it. Blue would probably like the chance to get out every day, too, not be stuck in the stables until I have time to take him for a ride if I were working for someone else.

Sep. 2nd, 2013


I don't know about anybody else, but I'm ready for my classes to begin today. I have such a full schedule but I'm going to enjoy it all. My sophomore year at the university and I'm up early and doing my thing.

Also I'm thinking about going to a musical this weekend. Anybody want to go with me?

Aug. 26th, 2013


I can finally have my family here. In pictures anyway, I love my picture of me and my two dads. It is lying right there beside my bed. I really do miss them.

Aug. 22nd, 2013


So I am having a craving for some vegan ice cream. I know this great place that also serves regular ice cream as well. Anybody want to come?


Focus group, gather round.

Is boarding school and option here?

Aug. 17th, 2013


I suppose I've been here long enough, that it is time to look for a job. I'm not sure my skill set as a former handmaiden and bodyguard/decoy would come in useful here. Still consider that my resume, if required.

Aug. 8th, 2013


I haven't really posted much on this thing, but I figured that I should. I mean I've talked to Rachel and stuff, but I haven't talked to a lot of other people.

So, hi! I'm Mia Thermopolis. And I think I've finally gotten settled in and used to this whole...magic brought me to another world thing. That's good, right?

I got a job and some clothes and this isn't so bad, being here without my mom or grandma.

So, if anyone likes or is interested in rock climbing, and wants to learn, I got a job at Climb Time. It's great, they have wonderful rock walls that I'm itching to climb already! Just ask for Mia, please? I'd really appreciate it.

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