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September 11th, 2011

[info]i_heart_nerds in [info]makebelievenet

Ugh, 33, I hate you Sheldon!

Dying - does anyone have an aspirin they want to share? Please. I will love you FOR EVER.

I took home a 'souvenir', he wasn't that bad looking. But I don't think I should repeat that again any time soon.

[info]sonof_ in [info]makebelievenet

For anyone who doesn't know there's a duel between me and Thalia this morning outside, after breakfast to see who's better with a sword. So if you want some entertainment then come watch.

[info]goldeneyedmagic in [info]makebelievenet

This world had some very odd music.

[info]kurt_style in [info]makebelievenet

I wish we didn't have to go to school here. If we go home, I'll have to do it again. I am trying to work out a few shifts at the store after school for some money. I like it here. I'm happy to announce that I haven't seen the inside of a garbage can at all.

I wanted to thank everyone for stopping by the picnic last weekend. I liked meeting everyone and singing.

We found a great coffee shop on the way to school! Just thought I would throw that in.

[info]hooman_from_erp in [info]makebelievenet

Oh my, it would seem that John hasn't been sleeping very well. Again.

[info]cervine_ in [info]makebelievenet

So next time any muggles want to apparate somewhere, ASK FIRST. Do NOT just grab hold of the nearest passing wizard when it looks like they're about to disapparate, because Merlin's balls, do you know how dangerous that is? Or how bloody rude it is?

I would have posted this earlier but if I'd done that, it would have been a load of incoherent swearing and shouting.

[info]sirswishyhair in [info]makebelievenet

Filtered to Merlin (his Merlin, that is, though, not in any way implying *cough*)

Merlin, I think you should know. There is a group here claiming you do magic and speak of it freely. I'd say be careful, though I am not sure how to keep their foolish lies from reaching Arthur. Just know I'll be there to defend you if it comes to a serious situation.

[info]liilybean in [info]makebelievenet

Does time go by the same here as it does back home? Because if so, my birthday is in three days. There will be a party, even if I have to throw it myself!