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August 1st, 2011

[info]ms_hedonist in [info]makebelievenet

Diversions - I need them. My friend Thomas seems to have been sent C'mon, I know you all have ideas, hit me with them.

Bike race - loser goes down on the other.

[info]handsome_shark in [info]makebelievenet

Why do people make friends and have relationships here if there's a chance their relationships are going to be ruined by one or more of them being sent back?

I'm not being funny, really I'm not. But I don't understand. I hate it when people are sent back, and they're not even my people. But it's horrible to see how upset it makes those of us who are left behind. Wouldn't it be better to avoid the relationship in the first place so there's no need for such sadness?

It sort of makes me glad that none of my friends are here. I couldn't stand it if they were sent back.

[info]takemesir in [info]makebelievenet


Don't like how people can get sent away with no warning.  A crew should stay together.  Jen dao mei.  Couldn't have been Jayne, of course- had to be someone useful like the doctor.  Meanwhile, my fong luh husband is still out there, somewhere, doing tyen shiao duh.

Too much going on here.  I miss the quiet days out in the black, with just the hum of Serenity's engines around us.

[info]kurt_style in [info]makebelievenet

Where am I?

I went to bed last night at my house. The Land of Make Believe was on Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. I swear this is a crazy dream. I have a letter from Mr. McFeely. I suppose the King and Queen will welcome me next, and then the trolley will come by. There is no way this is possible. There is just know way, and if this is some prank, be ready. Finn, this isn't funny. I know I hate you snoring, and I really thought about stuffing a sock in your mouth, even if it would ruin a matched set. I can't stay, and I am smashing your entire classic rock cd collection when I get back. I'm just letting you know.

Why is my iPod here and not my real phone, or my computer?

This can't be real. Where is dad, and Blaine?