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July 31st, 2011

[info]itgirl_serena in [info]makebelievenet

Oh wow. I just realized that I completely missed my own birthday. How does a person do that? I guess without Blair or Chuck around to say anything it just slipped my mind. My mom or someone else always plans the party so I never even have to think of it unless I'm asked my opinion on something for the party. For anyone wondering, I turned 20 on July 7th.

[info]eldest_potter in [info]makebelievenet

Happy Birthday, dad.

I wish he were actually here so I could actually say it to him. And I wish Al weren't sick and that Lily was still here so the three of us could do something at least. Wish mum was here too. This place was a nice holiday away from everyone at first, but now I'm starting to miss everyone. It'd be nice if Hugo or Fred showed up.

Spending the day with mini Reg. Any of you kids wanna see him, we'll be outside.

[info]magicalzoology in [info]makebelievenet

It's been a rather long week. I'm not quite as tired as some people seem to be from those odd dreams, then again I only had the one really and that was long enough ago that I recovered. What has been tiresome is all the spell work I've been doing with Tabby, but it's paid off nicely with that pool. I'd like to thank all others who helped with it. For the winter I'll work on doing something with it to maybe make it stay warm. Does it snow here in the winter?

And it's self-cleaning, but that charm will have to be enforced every month to keep it strong and working correctly.

Beyond spending my free time avoiding working on that, the rest has been spent within the city but I have the next two days off, so if anyone should need me for something I'll be in my quarters.

[info]didsomeonesay in [info]makebelievenet

Private to Astoria )

Scorpius )

[info]hasaname in [info]makebelievenet

i think kellin and sima are gone. his room is complete empty.

[info]thesixthson in [info]makebelievenet

Would someone explain what exactly this whole Shark Week thing is about and why there needs to be a whole week dedicated to bloody sharks?

Today was Harry's birthday. Wish he'd been here so I wouldn't have had to sit around my flat all afternoon.