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Dec. 30th, 2011


So. Spike goes nuts over this Claudia, Rothschild. Hm

So, this is a normal day then?


Filtered from the Children

So, now that Christmas has passed and all gifts labeled 'To Regulus' made it to the proper recipient - me - I think it's safe to official state, because apparently I'm a clone, I'm no longer to be referred to as 'Regulus' but as Rothschild.

That's all.

Dec. 29th, 2011


I appear to have a job. And in my own name, too. How novel.

Dec. 17th, 2011






Dec. 16th, 2011


[Filtered against children]

I just went to see if Kurt's things were still here but they're gone. I don't think he is coming back.

Dec. 17th, 2011


[Filtered away from the children]
I'm back.

Should I come over and tell the boys in person? Or do you think using the phones first, and then a meeting? I don't want to frighten them.

Dec. 16th, 2011


It's no fair!

How come Regulus isnt back yet?

ETA OOC note: After posting this little Reg cast aside his phone (aka threw his phone against the wall), and proceeded to have a tantrum-y afternoon, not having the chance to get back to anyone.

Dec. 15th, 2011


I'm here. I'm in no a particular mood to venture outside of my rooms just yet, but I'm here.

Dec. 10th, 2011


Hello. I'm Dr. Lisa Cuddy. I've been here a few days, and I still feel as lost as I did the day I arrived I need to get home to my daughter. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to leave this 'Land of Make Believe'. Does anyone have any information or ideas on how to leave?

Dec. 8th, 2011


Filtered from the Children

This is all so very strange.

Are we sure there are no more of those creatures?

If they are completely gone we should discuss funeral arrangements.

Dec. 3rd, 2011



Muggle phone is kinda top notch isn't it? Not too sure where I am but this isn't Hogwarts but it feels similar enough. I'm going to go ahead and say if this is a Birthday prank you can call it off now, thanks.


Locked to Adults )

Nov. 24th, 2011


I've put all the wards I could think of around mine and the boys' rooms.

If anyone needs somewhere safe to stay, or wants to drop children off, just let me know. There's more than enough room.

Nov. 20th, 2011


i love bonfires and i got to stay up laet

iate TRHEE chocolate bananns and millions of march mallows ona stuck.

i want too poke th fire!

Nov. 13th, 2011


From what I've gathered, the future is built upon an empire of pornography and... was there more?


My newest flatmate is, as yet, nameless. He's for both Daniel and myself, and we both like different names. Daniel thinks he should be called Jack, while I think he looks like a Charlie. Or Charles, if we're being proper, which we probably aren't.

Daniel has suggested asking everyone what they think. So, Jack or Charlie?

Jack 6:2 Charlie

Ariadne )


Give my clothes back.
And get me some ice, k?
~ Sgt. Hayes.

Nov. 12th, 2011


He followed me home. I'm keeping him.

Nov. 6th, 2011


Posted late tonight

Oh my god that was AMAZING!

*[OOC: So, tonight at the Siriuses (is that Sirii?) birthday bash the ickles known as Regulus, Sirius and Daniel 'accidentally' lit one of the fireworks, which was then 'accidentally' dropped into the large pile of unlit fireworks... at which point the boys realized their mistake and high-tailed it away from the pile that shortly exploded - spectacularly, I might add. Luckily there were no injuries. :D

Nov. 3rd, 2011


Fireworks on Saturday night in the grounds. For mine and Squirt-Sirius' birthday and also for that weird muggle holiday that they say isn't for my our birthday, but it obviously kind of is.

Andy (The girl one) will provide soup and whatever else it is people eat at these things. If it rains I will convince Remus to stop being a girl and move the whole thing indoors.

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