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July 8th, 2013

[info]bigmouthmerc in [info]makebelievenet

Why did they change the flavor of the green Skittle from lime to green apple? I am incredibly disappointed right now. I'm still gonna eat the whole damn pack, just not as happily as I would usually. Then I'll get a sugar high and bounce off the walls of my room before I experience the inevitable sugar crash.

So, what's keeping you awake at night?

[info]premiumheart in [info]makebelievenet

One more roommate gone.. Think I should just move out of the castle, not having much luck with them! Wouldn't be so bad living atop Seventh Heaven. Stayed there enough nights already...

Anyway! That Fourth of July get together was amazing. It was so nice to see fireworks again. Hadn't seen those since the Golden Saucer! What a nice way to celebrate! When's the next bash?! Could use the pick me up.

[info]spindly in [info]makebelievenet

Think I sulked for more than a day. Oops? For a science guy - I have no concept of time.

Distractions. Gimme gimme. My new skateboard only lasted so long - speaking of.

Not really new. Check it. Had bought one, was okay. Went around town yesterday - saw a kid with this one. Swapped my new one for it. Think it's cool.

[info]_lazybutloyal in [info]makebelievenet

I feel like stretching my legs tonight. There anything passing as a decent club in this town? And I don't mean the big flashy ones all the college brats like to go to. Give me something juicy.