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April 25th, 2013

[info]dancingtam in [info]makebelievenet

Voice Post

Not right. This isn't right. W-we weren't planetside.


[A pause]

Mal? Where is everyone?

[info]looktothefuture in [info]makebelievenet

I want to go flying again.

[info]captainjackshat in [info]makebelievenet

My legs! They are back! I was starting to think that I was going to be condemned to the lake for the rest of my stay here!

Not that I mind the lake, but it is nice to be able to walk again.

[info]secondxbest in [info]makebelievenet

Filtered from the Ickle


Why me? Why a fucking child of me, goddammit?!

The hell am I supposed to do with a brat-sized version of me? I can't even take care of myself. Where am I going to get the money and food for her?

Anyone want a damn kid? She's free. Small, annoying, and totally yours if you want her. You could probably shove her into the closet all day or put her up on a shelf. She's small enough to fit.

This is such bullshit. I don't do kids.

Buffy )

[info]minifirecracker in [info]makebelievenet

Filtered from the older

I don't believe this crazy lady. What is she talking about? How can there be two of us one spot? She kidnaps me and treats me like I'm stupid.

I locked myself in the bathroom of this disgusting place. How can someone live in a place like this? Is this place even livable?

Can someone smarter and better explain to me what is going on here? Before the crazy lady manages to get me?

[info]spewed in [info]makebelievenet

Well you all certainly weren't joking about strange things happening here. I believe I've had my fill of being turned into half animals now, thank you. Twice is more than enough for anyone.

I've been compiling a record of everyone who is here currently. I'm looking into what worlds you all come from and how they differ from my own and others. I want to see if there are any patterns about why we were specifically chosen to be here. If any of you would be willing to speak with me about it, I would appreciate it.

And Annie, I did promise to show you magic. Now that I no longer have ears and a tail, I would be more than happy to do so.

Now that we all seem to be back to ourselves again, perhaps we can reschedule our meeting? Lily, I'd like the chance to get to know you without the both of us being upset over those books. Not that I'm not still upset, but I've at least had a few days to calm down and

[info]theirmockingjay in [info]makebelievenet

My name is Katniss Everdeen. I arrived here last night. Johanna explained a little.

I don't know what else you want me to sa

[info]feignedweakness in [info]makebelievenet

Deliberate voice post

Here, AGAIN?! Make up your damn minds.


*This is followed by a long, loud, angry, incoherent shout into the phone.*

[info]indelibleink in [info]makebelievenet

Filtered to Anakin Sr and Padmé )

[info]broadway_berry in [info]makebelievenet

YES!! I HAVE FEET! And I can walk again. Getting out of bed and knowing that I don't have scales or fins, happiest day of my life. No bathtubs, no lakes, no nothing. I think I'm going to go and spend the day outside, just walking around. Maybe even head to the University and do a little dancing.

[info]aredledger in [info]makebelievenet

I'm human again. That's a relief. And from what I can tell most others are too now. So, maybe things only happen in random events? Maybe it's not for entertainment purposes but actually experiments?

James )

Banner )

[info]gnomedownthere in [info]makebelievenet


It's like Christmas, but with human body parts.