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March 3rd, 2013

[info]andreth in [info]makebelievenet

Damn this place.


You know, getting close to people, caring about them? It sucks. I'm done.

[info]shadowtraveler in [info]makebelievenet

Well. What next, I wonder.

I guess I've just been lucky that it's all passed me right by. Except the losing my sense of taste thing.

[info]sillytalk in [info]makebelievenet

Huh. So, that was weird. You guys weren't kidding when you said strange stuff happens at random here. Now I hear we're all gonna die? Cool, cool... looking forward to that. Been awhile since I had to run for my life. Should still be good at it, been working out in between the gender transformations and memory loss.. or whatever.

Darcy )

Gwen )
Duncan )

[info]the_delinquent in [info]makebelievenet

Last week never happened. Got it everyone?

[info]secondxbest in [info]makebelievenet

Ugh...yeah. That whole getting smashed to push out the dark prophetic dreams? Not a good idea.

Alright, people. We've cried wolf. Now listen up!

I want to start organizing everyone into groups based on skills. So comment below if:

- If you have combat/hand-to-hand/etc fighting skills
- If you have magic skills
- If you have weaponry skills
- If you have tech skills
- Or other abilities/skills you think will be helpful in protecting the castle from the Reavers

If you have any other skills I did not mention, speak up. I'm going to talk to B about breaking people up into groups. Some of the more fighting-like will be up on the front lines, rotating on patrol close to the castle. I don't give a shit about the locals. Sorry if that makes me sound heartless. The rest we'll need to work out to create more defenses.

Anyone sixteen and younger I'm going to require to stay in the castle. No bitching, no questions. Just fucking do it, kids.

If you have any other ideas of how to stop these things from getting into the castle, let me know.

If you live outside of the castle, raise your hand. I'm going to set something up on the castle grounds to live in. You're welcome to join me there.

Keep your eyes open, folks! If you see something, let us know. They could come any day now.


[info]sciencenerd in [info]makebelievenet

Sooo....that was weird. Let's just ignore the other more brunette me, OK? I'm sorry if I made anyone feel uncomfortable with her around.

And now I come back to find Peter is gone. You know, it's alright. I miss him, of course. But I read the comics. I know he lives and will find happiness, and even love. As long as he is happy and safe, I am happy.

I'll be alright. Because here in the Land of Make Believe I am still alive. I am me. I have Olive, Darcy, Glenn, Duncan, and everyone that has been so kind and helpful to me. I still have my job at the Dragon Research Center. I'm sad to see Charlie is gone. But he told me what he had hoped the place could be. I will see about putting some of those ideas into effect in his honor.

It will all be OK.

But...what is this Reaver thing? I've never heard of them. Are we supposed to be preparing for something? If anyone needs anything, I am more than willing to help.