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February 26th, 2013

[info]shadowtraveler in [info]makebelievenet

Why does everything taste like cardboard?

Seriously. I can't taste anything and this totally sucks.

But I guess it's good in a sense since I have to cook for myself now, right?

[info]jupiterdrops in [info]makebelievenet

yeah, i didnt need to sleep anyway or eat or function as a human being at all

woke up with the freddy krueger jingle in my head good times totally

just wanted to share that with the class because im never sleeping again (she jokes or does she)
so can i interest anyone in pulling consecutive all nighters with me? you know how tempting that sounds, dont deny it
i just um need someone could use the company

sidenote, am i missing something or are there different versions of people running around lately yay distractions

Faith )

[info]secondxbest in [info]makebelievenet

Voice Post (late afternoon/early evening Tuesday)

[OOC: Faith is very, very, very drunk. Which is saying something considering she can usually hold her liquor really well.]

How the...the ffffffffuck...does this thing work? Is it on? I can't tell. Are you on? Voice! Goddammit! I can't type right now.

B! Hey, B! B, B, B!!!! Blondie. Banana. Yellow bee! Fearless leader! My leader. My sponsor!

I drank them away but the images burn. They're still in there. Why must everyone yell all at once? You don't all need to yell. I can see what you're yelling about now. I can see.

[There is a loud thud when Faith drops the phone.]

Damn it! Hey, you! Yeah, back the fuck off the bike! Yeah, you keep on walking!

[Shuffling noises where Faith tries to pick up her phone again.]

How are you? Do they still burn you too? Did you try beer? I don't know if you should try beer.

Where is everyone? Where are my friends? Do I have friends? Shaggy is gone. But, Sunshine? SUNSHINE! Beware, SUNSHINE!

Don't die again B! Don't die. I can't run things on my own. I can't save. I destroy. I'm a monster. You stay.

Fucking hell!

[A little bit of shuffling, a final click, and the voice post cuts out.]