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February 4th, 2013

[info]looktothefuture in [info]makebelievenet

All right, so adding time travel to my list of things I've done accidentally.

Now I have one question. Nikana, please tell me you traveled backwards with me. I refuse to go this alone. I need you Okay so it's not a question so much as a demand veiled in a declarative statement.

As a side note, I do apologize for giving you a heart attack, Myka. And you can tell my older self I'll return the clothes later. Maybe.

[info]lonelyseaandsky in [info]makebelievenet

Would anyone like approximately sixteen thousand balls of fluff?

Okay, maybe not quite that many. But they're completely filling my entire shower.

And I can't stop sneezing.

[info]sciencenerd in [info]makebelievenet


Where am I?

What are these fuzzy things that keep trying to crawl up onto the bed. I can't escape from them. There's nothing taller in this room than the bed!

Can someone help me?

[info]passingthrough in [info]makebelievenet

Why did I have to lose my sense of touch? I couldn't have had one of the other ones go? Now I'm just involuntarily phasing half the time by reflex. It blows.

Also, is there actually anything under the hair on the tribbles? Maybe we could feed them to the dragons?

[info]madwinner in [info]makebelievenet

Okay. So... Hi.

I erm I'm not really... totally sure what's going on, but this really isn't District four, is it? There's no... well, it's not. And there was a man and a baby And I can't find my way back to anywhere I recognise. So could someone help me, please?

Thank you.

[info]mydearheart in [info]makebelievenet


where am i?

this isn't narnia. but this is a castle?

[info]andreth in [info]makebelievenet

Mom? Dad? Nathan?

Um... name's Peter Petrelli, and I don't know what's going on here.

I was studying in the library and then I was I dead?

[info]gnomedownthere in [info]makebelievenet

Oh My God.

Does this mean Captain Kirk and Spock will show up to take care of this infestation?

Because that would be awesome!

[info]royalvenant in [info]makebelievenet

Salazar's soggy sack They're back.

Does anyone still remember the banishment charm and ward we used last time?

Oh, right, and it's 2013 again. Brilliant.

I'm going to assume you're still here and would love a message from your old friend whether you're the same age as me or not.

They're in my ties. I'm trying to count to ten but they're in my ties.

[info]imnotlegolas in [info]makebelievenet

Seems like there's quite a bit of castle shenanigans going on. And these damn tribble things are annoying as hell.

[info]legerdemainist in [info]makebelievenet

Oh, this is just bloody wonderful.

[info]smaller_action in [info]makebelievenet

Why the hell can't I hear anything? Is the castle dicking about again?