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July 29th, 2012

[info]smaller_action in [info]makebelievenet

Why the hell did I wake up in the castle in bed with Juno oh bloody fuck?

[info]theironlyhope in [info]makebelievenet

All right. Jokes over. This is not funny. Send me home right now.

[info]kurt_style in [info]makebelievenet

It looks like everyone is back to normal. I'm really glad I wasn't young or old.

I have been thinking a lot about this event planning thing on the side. I wonder how hard it would be to start a business like that. I wouldn't really need an office, just some cards and stuff. I have tons of pictures from the wedding and Halloween. Since it's like contract stuff, I could plan it around school, and shows, and my normal job. It would be kind of very awesome!

[info]helper_alice in [info]makebelievenet

Well, everyone appears back to normal. Have I been out of it for a week or something? It's all really foggy... I don't like this feeling.

Filtered to Daryl

You grow into a very handsome older man. And you told me that we become very close. Something I still don't see. In case you don't remember any thing like myself, well a week seems to have eluded me. Just thought you'd like to know that fact.

[info]flipstheswitch in [info]makebelievenet

Home, sweet pub. How I missed thee.

I guess I was a little more welcome at the castle as my younger self. I don't really care to go back there again. At least I have my tolerance for alcohol back.

I would like to inform the powers that be that just because I am a vampire doesn't mean that I don't have control. I can live with people without thinking too much about their necks.

[info]redscarves in [info]makebelievenet

Filtered to Eames and Arthur )

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]makebelievenet

So, I missed my own wedding day. Thanks for that, castle.

Guess we'll have to reschedule, because it's going tot ake a lot more than a random age discrepancy to take me away from Cas.

[info]feignedweakness in [info]makebelievenet

Filtered to Katniss and Peeta

Annie's checked out. She isn't saying a thing. But on the bright side, she's the age where she knows us.