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July 14th, 2012

[info]justlykbudapest in [info]makebelievenet

Что это, испытание?

Здравствуйте, может кто подскажет, где я нахожусь?

Bonjour, quelqu'un peut me dire où je suis?

Ciao, qualcuno può dirmi dove mi trovo?

Hola, alguien puede decirme dónde estoy?

Hallo, kann mir jemand sagen wo ich bin?

مرحبا، يمكن أن تقولوا لي أين أنا؟


Hello, can someone tell me where I am?

[What is this, a test?

Hello, can someone tell me where I am? In Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Arabic, and Japanese]

[info]i_cannot_follow in [info]makebelievenet

Filtered to Star Wars people - canon puncturing below the cut )

[info]stainofdishonor in [info]makebelievenet

uh...this thing is wierd did mugles make it?

where am i?

this don't look like home

reg? mum?

[info]imnotlegolas in [info]makebelievenet

[Filtered away from Natasha and Irina]

Waking up to find my daughter gone and Natasha suddenly a child...low blow Make Believe...

[info]flipstheswitch in [info]makebelievenet

Voice Post

Dad? Stefan?

This isn't Mystic Falls.

HELP! I've been kidnapped! Can someone help me get home?

[info]do_what_i_must in [info]makebelievenet

To whomever has seen fit to kidnap me,

I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padawan Learner to Qui-Gon Jinn. The Jedi Council do not negotiate with kidnappers, you will not profit from this action. It would be in your best interests to let me go.

[info]sweet_lancelot in [info]makebelievenet

It's that time again - Metallica Monopoly! Dining Hall, tonight, 8ish. BYOB(or snacks if you want to stay sober).

[info]legerdemainist in [info]makebelievenet

Were the fuck am I? This is not my room and theres a really fucking fit bloke in thbed.

did I get drunk?

[info]blaidd_drwg_ in [info]makebelievenet

so the phone thing is pretty cool but apart from that this place sucks

can i go home now

i dont even know where i am

[info]brightest_witch in [info]makebelievenet

2012. Can't say I'm against being here but taking me away from Rose? That's different.

[info]bitofacrush in [info]makebelievenet

Cut for length. )

[info]royalvenant in [info]makebelievenet

Well this is interesting. It has been years since I've seen 2012.

I remember typing these very
Deja vu is hardly the way to describ

[info]littlest_king in [info]makebelievenet

What?! 2012! No no no, I had a very anticipated and important date, Land of Make Believe.

It's official. You hate me.

Also, this phone is ridiculously old.

Sev? Daniel? Juno? Tell me you're here with me and I'm not all on my lonesies.

[info]legerdemainist in [info]makebelievenet

is that really a dragon?

[info]hungry_likethe in [info]makebelievenet

dad? i think i got lost. i musta wandered. you told me not to i'm sorry i did.


is anyone there? me names tom mcnair and i dunno where i am and i'm scared

[info]theyalwaysdie in [info]makebelievenet

Filtered to Elena

Please tell me you're you and not some wonky age version?

[info]stainofdishonor in [info]makebelievenet

james potter says im in gryffindor, not slytherin.

is that true?

i mean mothers gonna be sooooo mad if thats true but james potter seems really really cool even though hes really really old now.

and im kinda tired about all the pureblood stuff anyway im not a horse or dog you know?

[info]smaller_action in [info]makebelievenet

[Reg, Sev and the Missus]
Flat W33. It's where us cool kids are hanging out, these days.

[Ariadne, Arthur, Juno Sr., the Missus]
Juno and I are staying in flat W33, since we're not children so we don't need to stay in the old children's rooms. Besides, we're married anyway. So if you're looking for us, that's where we'll be.

[info]_alsevpotter in [info]makebelievenet

So. Just how much trouble might I be in? On a sliding scale? A LARGE sliding scale. From 1-1000? 1000 being the worst, 1 being who the bloody hell is this annoying twat. Just how much trouble am I in? This cannot be good.


I am so

Brilliant and just looking out the window

Yeah. This is going to end well. Can see that right now.

[info]little_dixon in [info]makebelievenet

kid's hanging around, and it's back to 2012, worst year of my life.

place can go right back to kissing my ass and i ain't working in that damn bar again.

[info]sweet_lancelot in [info]makebelievenet

Filtered from Minnie

I need some help. Minerva has been de-aged, it seems, into a young child. I am at work.

First thing first, is there someone who can go to our rooms and check on her?

[info]justlykbudapest in [info]makebelievenet

[Filtered to Piotr Clint Barton]
I don't think I'm prepared enough for this assignment sir.

[info]socompelling in [info]makebelievenet

This is a really awesome castle and everything but... I can't find my dad and I think I need to go home now.