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April 11th, 2012

[info]onthe_wagon in [info]makebelievenet

You know what I miss from home? Apart from the obvious?

Proper telly.

And having a sofa.

[info]pad_foot in [info]makebelievenet

I'm bored of my job. Who keeps a job longer than a year? Really? Apart from like... people with real jobs.

Sadly, I have bugger all else to do.

[info]dominopusher in [info]makebelievenet

Has anyone soberly walked past a bar after ten o clock? When I was young they had special rooms and women for those kinds of activities.

[info]harvelle in [info]makebelievenet

My fiance' is turning me into as almost a big a sap as he is. I can't stop smiling.

Thought about when we want to do this?

[info]lonegirl in [info]makebelievenet

[At first, there is only the sound of buttons being pushed and of a British accent swearing rather loudly, and then even more buttons being pushed, followed by a tapping sound (that would be the phone being tapped against the table - if you were curious) and finally several spells being cast, and then - after more buttons - a voice yelling into the phone]

George, I swear to Merlin that I will bloody murder you when this charm wears off. You think this is funny, putting me in some ruddy room that looks like Hogwarts was turned upside down with one of these damn phones all the muggles have? I told you that they were completely mental, walking around and talking to themselves! know what, Ron? I'm coming after you too, because I know you were in on this. I mean, I have a game tomorrow! Against Puddlemere! I don't have time for this. It's the biggest game of the year and I'm stuck in a dodgy room with nothing but one of these phones, money -- which is AMERICAN and MUGGLE, what good does that do? -- and my gear.

Both of you. Dead. Immediately.

{The words are followed by a growl of frustration, and more pressing of buttons until the phone, blessedly, goes dead.}

[info]clauds in [info]makebelievenet

Holy priceless collection of Etruscan snoods, Batman, this wasn't a good joke the first time around.