March 2014


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March 26th, 2012

[info]vaguelyeurasian in [info]makebelievenet

I got the part!! I got it! I'm SO excited, I can't wait to be on stage again!

Miss Rachel Berry, say hello to your new Jude :-)

Kurt, have you gotten your Max call yet?? You'll get it, I know it!

Filtered away from Kurt
So, that exciting news out of the way... I need some help.

[info]harvelle in [info]makebelievenet

Filtered to Roadhouse Staff

Thanks for keeping an eye on things while I was....wherever I was.

[info]listen_to_navi in [info]makebelievenet

So this is just how this bright thing works? I just press the buttons and everyone will see it? I hope I'm doing it right. If I'm not someone tell me.

Well hi everyone I'm Navi. I was a fairy...just now I'm not. I don't know why. If you know tell me! I'm also looking for my friend Link! I have searched everywhere for him. He is tall with yellow hair and he wears Kokiri clothes. He might even have a horse with him and he will definitely have a Hyrulian shield and a long sword. Please someone tell me! He has been without me too long. I can't go home without him.

[info]legerdemainist in [info]makebelievenet

Operation: Death Plague is a winner. Jenna took pity on me and made sure I had a constant supply of hot drinks and she went out at lunchtime and bought me cough sweets.

I did get stuck on tills all bloody day, though. Which is a bit arse.